Chapter 8: Good Questions . . .

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Gira looked at the beast before him, not even the slightest bit amused.

"Is that all you got?" He growled. They (or her?) snarled harshly and reared back their long neck, snapping their long about open. Rows of pearly, hook-like teeth shone in their mouth. A blue pulse ebbed weakly from the base of their throat, but suddenly a blast of ice and cold shot out with enough pressure to cause a recoil for their head. The ice whipped at that spot Gira was standing on, all the life around it wilting away from the blizzard.

   "Woah, woah, woah!" Malin cried out. The red gaze of the beast turned to him, but the blast wasn't halting. He was about to say that he suspected the attack wouldn't kill him, but was rudely interrupted. "Is that all you got to toss at me?" Gira was now standing behind the large silver wyvern, unscathed. "I thought you would be a challenge, what with you being a fusion and all, but this is just pitiful! If you're taking revenge on me for getting your little pal, then this is a sorry excuse!" A grin cracked onto his lips.

   "YOU WILL REGRET SAYING THAT!" The Wyvern roared. Just about everyone had clasped their hands over their ears to protect them from the echoing sound. Malin winced painful as his ears rung and buzzed. The beast turned into a flash of silver as they whirled around with incredible speed and snapped their teeth on him.

   He didn't even seem scared. Gira stood there, then at the last second disappeared, reappearing above their horns. "Lemme ask you: is your pal this high," —he put a hand roughly an inch lower than the top of his head— "have spiky hair, and look pretty frail? Better question: is his nickname Des?" The wyvern growled sharply and lashed their barbed tail upwards, stabbing him in the gut.

He looked down and made a tsk tsk noise. "Well, looks like you finally got me," he stated calmly. "Actually, congrats. It's been so long since anyone's been able to hurt me." He was clapping slowly, no blood soaking through his clothes. The beast grinned with satisfaction and slammed their tail down on the ground. Gira, however, disappeared last second again, appearing right in front of them again.

"Alright, alright, I lied!" He chuckled. "I was hurt before, but not badly! You were actually able to inflict a blow that would kill a man, however." A hiss uttered from them, jaws beginning to open again. Gira snapped his fingers, and a golden hoop appeared out of nowhere and snapped shut around their muzzle. They stared at it and shook their gleaming head furiously.

"Wow, you'll get me every time!" Gira was laughing out loud, wiping tears from his eyes. He doubled over and continued his sick laugh. Malin suspected that the others would launch at Gira, but they were still, arms crossed and a smirk on their faces. He was confused, but his question was answered.

A high-pitched yowl was released from the woods, and then a blur of brown and grey shot out from the trees, tackling into Gira and knocking him over. He let out a short grunt from the sudden ambush and skidded across the ground with an upset Lynn pinning him down. "Good job, Kitten!" Bella called out. Gira had an enraged look on his face that turned to awe when he saw his attacker.

   "You. Are. Adorable!" He squeaked, scratching her behind her ears. Lynn let out a "NYEH!" of protest, but the pleased expression on her face and her collapsing into a purring pile told everyone that she succumbed to the petting. She was flopped against his chest, making the loudest purring Malin had ever heard.

Gira kept petting her like a cat while making little noises of cuteness overload. Lynn looked like she was having a great time with the sudden scratching of her ear. Everyone else had confused faces. Even the wyvern didn't attack! He'd expect them to strike at Gira right now when he's vulnerable, but the worried look showed that they were afraid of hitting Lynn, who covered about ninety-five percent of him and all of his vital spots.

   "Is anyone else unsettled at the fact that our friend here is currently receiving attention from the Ultimate Chaos?" The wyvern said in an almost hushed voice. The hoop was now gone. Malin nodded, eyes trained on Gira and Lynn. He still owed her for his leg and saving his life. If anything bad happened to her, he wouldn't be able to live with himself. "That's enough," The silver beast bent down and gently plucked Lynn off by the collar of her top. The Dāku mewed in protest, still dazed. Gira just laid there looking like he had just discovered the meaning of life. He muttered something that Malin couldn't hear and got up by hovering. "Alright, let me clear some stuff up," he said, dusting himself.

   "First of all, I don't really have intentions to harm you, so relax! Second of all, yes, I currently have Des and his soul, ready to reap it. Third of all . . . This might shock you, but I've been having second thoughts on killing him." He was right about the third one. Shocked gasps rippled through the area. Disbelief began to rise amongst them. "How do we know you aren't lying?" Sky was finally up, but her arm was still damaged.

   "Whatever, I still want to kill him," growled the wyvern. Gira turned around to them, frowning. "I think you should explain yourselves first," he said. They glared at him with a burning hatred in their orbs of red. "Fine," Within a split second, the wyvern glowed a brilliant white and shrank swiftly, almost lighting-fast, and became two, glowing white, human forms, fading back to the two girls that he had seen earlier.

   The taller one spoke first, "I am Sasha Volkov," The shorter one spoke after her. "And I'm Anastasia Volkov! Call me Ana for short!" She beamed brightly. Sasha started again. "We are not one person, but two, as you can clearly see. You met us as Astra, but in truth, she was just a fusion of us. And we do not come from Esenon, but from Russia."

   Silence fell over the night. Sasha and Ana were dead quiet until Sasha's face grew red and she snapped at Gira. "If you're having second thoughts on bringing chaos, then why don't you just give us back Des?! If I could, I would pummel you right here! But I know my limits! YOU ARE—"

   "Sasha, calm down!" Ana cried, grabbed her sister by the shoulders and pulling her down. "I know he's done bad things, but I'm sure we'll get him back! I know it!" There was a determined gleam in her eyes. The other sister snorted in disgust, but gave in to her sister's plead. "Alright, we'll get him the hard way."






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