Chapter 4: A Surprise from Destruction

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   Gira snarled harshly, rubbing his head. "Hey, watch where you're-!" He began, and suddenly said quietly, "You're pretty. . ."

   The person that had bumped into him had messy yellow hair with small hints of white and orange near the end; her hair was kept in a ponytail. Her orange eyes shone brightly; she wore a light orange jacket with orange sleeve stripes, with a gray undershirt. She had black jeans and yellow-gold boots with a v-shaped cut. Her face was flustered. "P-pardon?" She stammered.

   Gira's own face went hot, hiding it in his hands. "I-I'm sorry! Did I s-s-say that out loud?!" He stuttered nervously. Oh gosh, did he REALLY say that out loud?! Get a hold of yourself, Gira! He said in his head harshly, slapping himself in reality. The girl looked at him in a funny way.

"What the heck was that?!"

There was a rustle nearby, then a short teenager with gold hair stepped into the scene, gawking at them. Great, I've got to deal with a shrimp, now! His mind grumbled. Woah, hold the presses! I got an idea . . . ! Gira grinned mischievously, eyes gleaming. The teenager looked at him oddly. With a flick of his wrist, the boy's eyes went blank, and mindlessly walked away, a tint of pink to his cheeks.

"Anyways, Flare, nice to meet ya!" He extended a hand to her in a friendly manner, smiling innocently.


Sky's throwing knife inserted itself in the thick oak tree, amidst the other ones that also belonged to Bella and Arrow. Malin had just left a minute ago to check something out, but never said. Should she check on him?

"Hey, move outta the way, shrimp!"

Bella seethed with anger, aiming another knife at him. One had hit the same tree, nearly cutting off his hair antenna. The odd thing about him was how his eyes were blank, almost looking lifeless . . . "Malin, are you-" she began, only to be interrupted by him. "Who's Malin?"

"You are, ya idiot!" She snapped, crossing her arms. He tilted his head barely. "I'm Princess Goldie,"


Malin frowned and placed a hand on his hip, strutting his head. "Don't you dare sass a princess, honey!" Bella and Arrow started snickering, grinning widely. Sky's jaw dropped, eyes wide at Malin. She didn't know if she should laugh or make him stop. "Oh my gosh, is that Malin?" snickered Four, sliding his hand in his back pocket and pulled out a phone, recording the scene. "No, it's a random stranger," Sky said to Four sarcastically.

Sky placed a hand over her mouth, barely giggling as Malin continued to ramble on about his royalty and beauty. "I AM A PRINCESS, SO I DESERVE ALL THE GIFTS AND ATTENTION!" He roared, strutting around like a brat. Goodness, this was so hilarious yet embarrassing! Malin took off running, yelling at the top of his lungs, "I AM PRINCESS GOLDIE! DAUGHTER OF THE ALMIGHTY UNIVERSE! BOW DOWN BEFORE ME, PEASANTS!"

   "What did he just call us?!" called out an enraged Lynn, whose head poked out from the leafy cover of a tree. An arrow stabbed out near her head, disappearing and firing at Malin (Who was climbing a tree whilst screaming more about his "royalty".) Sky hurled a fireball at the arrow, snapping it in two and reducing it to ashes. Lynn's gold eyes glinted angrily at Sky, shifting into a cat and chasing after Malin up the tree.

   "Is he gay?!" Ross hissed.

   "I AM PRINCESS GOLDIE, AND I AM NOT GAY!" Roared "Goldie", shimmying to the top of the tree. It was obvious that Lynn wasn't having fun using her claws and pulling up her entire body, especially her metal arm, up the tree since she could hear Lynn give a slight painful mew occasionally. "Alright, that's enough," A sly voice chuckled. Sky glanced over her shoulder and saw a seeming young man with spiky gold hair, the black sclera of his eyes gleamed. A woman stood next to him, giggling at Malin. With a snap of his fingers, Malin seemed to have snapped back to his senses, his amber eyes returning to normal, and the pink on his cheeks fading. 

   And his apparent fear of heights.

   With one look around, Malin shrieked loudly and fell down the tree, landing on his back, then Lynn pouncing on his stomach. "Gah!" He gasped, shooting daggers at Lynn's grinning face. "YOU STUPID CAT!" He snapped, blasting fire at her, in which she dodged. In the blink of an eye, Bella had conjured a dragon made of shadows and sent it at Malin. He jumped up on a branch, wrapping his limbs around it as the dragon snapped its powerful jaws at his derriere. "What the heck did I do?!" He snarled, lodging an icicle in the dragon's maw, dispelling it. "You tried to attack Lynn!" Bella retorted, blasting more of the shadowy dragons at him.

  A round of four black fireballs with a red center smashed into each dragon out of nowhere, the darkness evaporating, a sick and twisted laugh replacing it. "I finally found you! Now I can tear your insides out and rip you into little pieces!" A shrilly and unhinged voice laughed, blasting more of the dark flames at Malin squarely in the chest.

A/N: Sorry that the chapter is shorter than usual! I wanted to get the guilt off my chest and post something. Guilt can really loom over you like a burden . . .

And I can't pull up the bold font on this cursed computer . . . Darn it.


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