My Cabin

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Everything happened so fast; Stewart was crowded by fellow Apollo campers and lead off to their cabin. I wasn't even able to say goodnight to him. And before I could run after him the girls from the Aphrodite cabin, who completely ignored me at first, swarmed me. They were playing with my hair and holding up different shades of lipstick to see which would match my completion. One of the girls about my age pushed her way through the crowd. A few pieces of her long brown hair were braided and her eyes seemed to change colors from brown to blue to green, never mind they were changing different colors! She wore the same old Camp Half-Blood t-shirt with a brown vest over it.

"Hi, I'm Piper McLean and welcome."

"I'm Alyssa Combs," I glanced at a group of dudes who were still talking and some kept stealing glances at me, "Why are the boys acting as if I'm a movie star?"

"Oh, we call it Aphrodite's Blessing. When we're claimed, the pink glow comes and then we instantly look good."

"Well between you and me, I wish I can go back to casual old Alyssa," I sighed.

"I felt the same way when I was claimed, but you'll get used to it; believe me, if I can, you can."

We exchanged a smile and they lead me to their cabin, which was also my cabin too I guess. It looked like a little girl's doll house on the outside. Opening the door, my nose crinkled at the strong smell of designer perfumes, how could someone breathe in here? The Aphrodite campers did not seem to mind and started at different task, painting nails, brushing hair, etc. Piper showed me my bed and I fell on it and curled into a ball.

Today had completely drained my energy; figuring out you're a half-blood is not being handed a test by a teacher and seeing that you got an 'A+.' My eyes drooped and the last thing I saw was pastel blue and green covers.


That night I had my first demigod nightmare.

I stood in Olympus, bells were ringing and a beautiful woman and a handsome man were being wedded. All the gods were present but one goddess, who stood outside the event with a discarded look on her face. Just looking at her made the feeling of discord flow through my emotions. When the festivities began, she arrived but was turned away by the gods and goddesses.

Out of anger, she threw a golden apple amongst an assembly of goddesses with the Greek words written on it "To the Fairest." Three goddesses laid claim to the apple: one was a tall, black haired woman with startling grey eyes, the second was a woman with arms as white as ivory and long silver hair, and the final goddess was none other than my mother.

They asked the king of Olympias, who wielded the lightning bolt, to mediate but he commanded the god with the staff of two snakes to lead the three goddesses to Paris of Troy to decide the issue. A bright light flashed and I appeared in a meadow outside a Greek city, where a young man sat amongst a herd of sheep. Appearing to him, the three goddesses offered gifts if he should choose them.

The grey-eyed goddess offered wisdom, the ivory armed goddess offered honor and the goddess of love offered the most beautiful woman in the world to be his wife. The second he chose my mom, I was in a field with men dying all around me. Blood stained the ground, creating a foul odor of dung, blood and sweat mixed together. In front of my feet, a severed head was gazing his lifeless eyes at me.

I jumped up wide eyed and hitting my head on the bunk above me. My breath relaxed and I rubbed my head; that hurt. Hugging one of the throw pillows, I tried to fall back asleep, shivering and succeeded two hours after I had woke.

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