Day One of the Torture Checklist

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My eyes fluttered open to a cold prison cage and the stinging pain from the stone scrape on my shoulder and the cut on my lip that ran to my chin. Chains hung from my wrist and ankles and they were long enough to let me stand, but not walk more than two feet from the area. I brushed my hair, which was matted with sweat, from my dirty face. It was dark and only two torches, with their low glow, lit the room.

The doors opened and I stepped back a pace as Eris entered the room. Her tall heels made clopping noises that echoed in the chamber. Two cyclops stood at the sides of the doors.

"Hello Alyssa, how do you like your new home?" She asked with a dark look.

"Quite cozy actually," I said, rather sarcastically.

"Now, let's see..." she came up to me and placed her cold hand with black nails around my jaw and turned my head, as if searching me. She made a few hums and clicks with her tongue as if approving or not approving on what she saw. She checked my arms and kicked my shins, which hurt by the way, and poked at my face. I had just had enough when she backed away.

"I know the exact treatment for this horrible figure," she smiled, and I did not like the look of it.

"Stomp!" A bulky cyclops hurried in, "Yes great goddess?"

"Bring him in..."

He bowed and came back holding a thick chain with an enormous snake at the end of it. I felt blood drain out of my face as its long body slithered itself into the room. It had been five minutes and the snake still had not brought in all of its coils. Its triangular shaped head faced me and it's eye slits which glew yellow cut through me. Right before the cyclops released him, he goddess of discord sent a panging headache in my head then a strange, slurring voice started speaking.

Ooo, sssssssssplended,

I realized in horror who's voice it was; the long accent on the 's' gave it away. The snake wrapped it's long coils around the cell and the doors closed, leaving only the snake and my helplessness. His head came closer to me to check me out; I stepped back, trying to keep my calm but nothing was working, My heartrate was through the roof and my greatest fear in the world was my roommate.

Don't run, I only want to ssssssssmell you.

The snake didn't open his mouth when the voice spoke. This confused me but then I knew. Eris had put a spell on me so I might hear every thought of this horrifying creature.

He flicked his forked tongue and it brushed all over me. The chains prevented me from moving any further. I squeezed my eyes shut but the coaxing voice of the serpent kept them open.

Ssssssssoon, mistressssssssss will let me eat you, then, sssssshe will have no prophecy to worry about.

Another few minutes of hearing the voice of the horrible creature made me black out from hyperventilation.

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