I Request a Quest

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This time, the demigod dream was almost not even a dream. Aphrodite sat on my bunk next to me, her pink glow faint. She brushed her hand against my cheek and my grey-blue eyes opened. A weak smile spread across her face and all I did was look at her, different emotions entering my mind. She looked the same as she did from the dreams, beaten and withered.

"I understand you might not be glad to see me, but I'm in desperate need to talk to you and I cannot stay for too long for my energy will not last."

"But, those dreams, they're true?"

"Yes and with you, the plans Eris has for Olympus will become reality."

"So you're saying I shouldn't come to save you?"

"My love, there is a greater power behind this and I need you to find out what it is. It takes a lot more than just a goddess to stop another goddess."

"But what about you?"

"You need not worry about me, Ares will soon be on the search and so will Hephaestus, unless of course she has already found some way to change them."

"I guess that won't be good to have two gods fighting while trying to solve a mystery."

"Exactly, now, all I know is that you have ten days to find the source of Eris' strange power and that we're somewhere in South Dakota."

"One last thing; when Paris chose you to have the apple, why did you even give him Helen?"

"It was his choice and true love that lead to the terrible battle; us gods cannot be judged by mortals' wrong decisions."

"So if Paris was the spark, Eris was the dynamite."

"Oh you are so smart. My spirit is becoming weak, I must go and sweetie; don't worry over being different."

She kissed my cheek and disappeared.


In the morning after breakfast, I walked to the Big House with Stewart, telling him each of the dreams. He just listened with his mouth not muttering a word the whole walk. Seriously, what goes on inside a guy's head? Chiron stood on the wooden porch, reading some old book; he looked up from what he was doing when we approached.

"Stewart, Alyssa, what can I do for you?"

We sat in the Big House and I told him exactly everything I had told Stewart.

"So you are requesting to go on a quest?" he asked.

"Yes Chiron," I crossed my arms and waited for his reply.

"It seems you need to visit the Oracle,"

"The Oracle?"

"Rachel Elizabeth Dare is the Oracle and stays in a cave on the side of the hill. Though I will warn you to mind the paint scattered everywhere."

Stewart reluctantly stayed behind as I left to the hills. I saw the cave Chiron told me of and taking a deep breath, pulled back the purple curtain that hung over the entrance. Judging by the paint, brushes and art supplies scattered around, Rachel must be an artist. A girl with crazy curly red hair looked up from her reading as I came in. She wore doodled jeans and a paint stained T-shirt. I thought to myself, well, the Oracle at least isn't very scary looking.

"Hi," she said cheerfully.

"Hi, your the Oracle right?"

"You're looking at her, what can I do for you?"

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