Being Chased by Boys

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The next day, I took a jog around the boundaries of the camp. The blood flowing through my body and the sweat running down my back felt good; various campers waved as I passed by but everything seemed at normal, in a Greek way. I arrived back at camp, sweaty, hot, filled with fresh air and exercised. Two of my half-sisters, Mitchell and Lacy, saw me and ran up, totally freaking out.

"Oh gods, you look horrible!" Mitchell shrieked.

"Could you let us dress you up?" Lacy pleaded.

Being nice, I allowed them to dress me after they insisted I shower (since it had been two days since I showered because of my sleeping in). First they brushed my hair and tied it into a neat ponytail down my shoulder. Second came the makeup, which after they were down, I felt like I was wearing a cake on my face. Third, they did a manicure for my hands and painted my nails a cherry red. Lastly, they attached my leather necklace and sprayed a mist of perfume. They finally let me look in the mirror, and heck did I look good. The makeup was flawless and I smelt good compared to what condition I was in earlier.

I thanked them and out of the one percent chance of meeting him, Stewart was singing a song with a few of his half-brothers. Their voices instantly died down as soon as they laid eyes on me; and sadly, I knew exactly what was going through their minds.

"Dang Stewart, your girlfriend must have gotten an Aphrodite makeover," Will marveled.

Stewart's face started to turn pink and he opened his mouth to say something but I beat him to it.

"Hold your horses! Stewart is not my boyfriend," then I grimaced as soon as I realized the consequences of saying that.

Some of the boys started whispering amongst each other and I snuck off to the arena, where I saw Percy practicing at a dummy. I brought out Heartbreaker and started fiercely hitting the dummy next to him. He looked over and gave me the same look every boy has given me.

"What happened to 'I hate makeup?'" he asked.

I glared at him then presumed practice. Percy was watching me with wonder, "since you're so good, want to spar?"

"Sounds fine to me," I answered readying Heartbreaker.

Though, after the first swing, we were interrupted by startling screams of nymphs. We glanced at each other and went in the opposite direction of the panicking nymphs. A herd of Colchis bulls were setting fire to the grass on Half-Blood Hill. The sons of Ares I had beaten at capture the flag were stuck in the middle of the herd. Reluctantly, I ran outside the borders of Thalia's pine to save them.

Percy followed my lead, waving and shouting at the mechanical bulls; their attention was easily turned and water from a nearby source swirled in a funnel over Percy. Right when the bull shot it's white hot flames at me, Percy countered it with a beam of water. I ran up close and struck one with Heartbreaker, but I jumped back and in pain, dropping my sword with my hand badly burned.

It tossed its bronze horns and flung me through the air. I landed in front of one of its herd members. Holding my hand against my breast, I screamed as it formed its flame thrower. There was a 'clink' and the bull wildly whirled around to face Stewart, armed with a bow and arrows. He shot another and it bounced harmlessly off its metal hide.

Standing up slowly, I found Heartbreaker lying in the grass and picked it up with my good hand. Not too long after I was reunited with my blade, another mechanical bull noticed me and shot more flames in m direction. I did an aerial cartwheel to dodge the white hot beam; then an idea struck my mind. Capping Heartbreaker back into its lipstick form, I waited for the bull to have me pinned on the ground, which happened quickly. With the last bit of strength I had left, I uncapped Heartbreaker, twisted it and threw it into the bull's mouth. It formed into a sword and jammed its gears, causing it to choke and explode into pieces of bronze.

I lay in the grass with pain shooting up my hand and the rumbling hooves of the Colchis bulls became faint. Stewart knelt next to me and I was wrapped into a strong hug, which was kind of painful but good to be in the arms of someone I knew. The warmth coming from him put me to sleep and I felt him lift me up.

Later that night at the cabin, I was finishing painting my name on the wooden chest near my bed

when there was a knock at the door. My left hand was still wrapped up from the burn and I was told it was going to be a few hours before it would be completely healed, but my right hand was healthy.

"I'll get it!" Lacy called.

I continued on and almost painted out of the stencil when she came back telling me someone wants to talk with me. Grabbing a towel to wipe off my paint stained hand, I walked up to the door; who was standing there waiting wasn't Stewart, but Mark.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, keeping my voice from shrieking.

"I came to say...thanks for saving me earlier," he said quietly.

I was stunned, is this some kind of trick?

"Since all I have done is tried to kill you during capture the flag, I was hoping I could make it up to you in anyway?"

Something is definitely going on I thought.

He saw the untrusting look on my face, "I understand why you don't trust me but look, I have no weapon," he lifted his arms up and not a single dagger was belted on.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw several of the girls whispering amongst themselves and the last thing I needed was them gossiping about this. I stepped into the cool outdoors and shut the door behind me. The sun was setting and the temperature dropped quickly.

"I'll think about how you could help me, but right now, I don't need anything."

Mark nodded and held his hand out; I shook it and he walked back toward the Ares cabin. Well, that just happened, I felt around my pocket and closed my fingers around the rose red lipstick. If that son of Ares tries anything, I will make sure it doesn't happen.

At the bonfire, almost all the boys were swarming me, asking if I could sit with them but I chose a place with my half-sisters between Mitchell and Piper. Piper giggled when she saw several boys try to get my attention from where they sat.

"Is this what it is going to be like the rest of my life?" I asked, hiding my face with my hands.

"It might die down eventually,"


"Alyssa, you darn good looking,"

"Thanks for pointing that out,"

After the bonfire, instead of saying bye to Stewart, I sprinted to the cabin and dived onto my bunk. Not too long after the rest of the Aphrodite campers came in, there was a knock at the door. Please don't answer it, please don't answer it, my mind pleaded. As if the fates were against me, Piper answered the door. I shot her puppy dog eyes and shaking my head.

"Alyssa is asleep right now so feel free to come back tomorrow," I heard her said and a weight of worry was lifted off my shoulders.

"Who was it?" I muttered.

"Leo, he wanted me to give this to you," Piper handed me a golden arrow with a note on it saying; Give this to Stewart when you see him again. Along with the message there was a funny face drawn at the bottom.

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