A Present from My Mom

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Stewart came to visit me in the armory where I was talking with Annabeth, Piper, Percy and Leo.

"Well, it's official that you've made enemies with the Ares campers," Leo said wiping his face with his sleeve.

"I suppose I did," I replied.

"You're not the only one who's been in that situation," Percy added, drinking some water.

"We wouldn't have won without our gift of good battle strategies," Annabeth reminded.

"Your plan worked like a charm," Piper told her.

"Oh, hey Stewart," I waved at him.

"Alyssa, could I speak with you for a moment?"

"Sure," I followed him out the door.

We walked side by side to the stables, where the pegasi rested. He did not say a word the whole walk there and I wondered if he just wanted me to be in his presence or something. I leaned against Blackjack's stall and stroked his muzzle.

Finally, he started talking, "You know that arrow that was shot at you?"

"Yes...it came in good handy," I answered, afraid I knew where he was going.

"I'm the one who shot it," he admitted.

I sighed and watched Blackjack drink his water, "I had a feeling it was you, but I'm not upset."

He came up beside me and patted Blackjack's neck. I saw in his calm brown eyes a new glint of relief. Blackjack lifted his head and muzzled us, as if demanding to be stroked. The moment seemed perfect, but was cut short by Will, calling Stewart to dinner. I sighed and fingered my shark tooth, the memory of finding it flooding my mind.

My thoughts were interrupted by a man running up in exercise clothes. He stopped nearby and pulled out a phone with two snakes woven around it.

"Your Alyssa right?" he asked pointing at me.

"Yes," I replied slowly.

He put his phone in his pocket and took a package out of his backpack; I wondered how he fit it in there.

Is he going to grow us back in our real form? a faint voice said.

He might, she is a half-blood, a second voice told the first.

I took the box the strange man gave me; it was wrapped in rose pink paper and tied with silver ribbons.

"Oh, there's a letter along with it," a similarly decorated envelope appeared in his hand.

My eyes widened, "might I asked who you are?"

"I would think you could have guessed it by now," he replied, sending a text to someone, "since you're good with what mortals call 'mythology.'"

The phone grew into a staff with two snakes wrapped around it; then the realization hit me.

"You're Hermes," I stated.

The girl finally guessed it, one of the voices I heard said.

Of course she did stupid, he showed her the staff, the second one replied

"George, Martha, this is the girl that the goddess of love sent us to deliver these gifts to."

Now the wrapping makes sense, I thought.

"Well, I hope you enjoy your package because I have a million more errands to run."

I looked away as Hermes turned to his true form and disappeared. My eyes landed on the package and I opened it. In the center of the large box, was a small case where rings were usually stored. I lifted the lid to find a stick of lipstick contained in a small, rose red case. What in the world? Why would she give me this if I didn't even wear makeup? It was getting dark and the harpies would be out soon, so I tucked it into my pocket along with the letter and ran to my cabin.

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