An Ares Argument

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I must have fallen asleep against Stewart cause in the morning, I was lying on the log while Tyson and Stewart were cleaning up the camp. We started the journey after a small breakfast and Tyson had finished what his little project was.

"This for you," he handed me a bronze wrist watch.

"Thanks Tyson," I replied, strapping the watch on.

"Press the center."

I followed his instruction and a small celestial bronze shield with roses engraved on it formed from my wrist. It was lightweight and it matched Heartbreaker.

"I thought you could use a shield to go with your sword..." he said kind of shyly.

I thanked him again with a hug; who knew a cyclops could be so sweet?

We came upon a roadhouse and the smell of barbecue made our mouths water. Stewart agreed to eating lunch here because of the fine smell. I sat down at a table for four while Tyson and Stewart ordered food. A gang of bikers were smoking and drinking at the pool table in the far corner and my nose crinkled from the smell. One of them glanced at me then leaned his pool stick against the wall and sat in the chair across from me. He looked like any biker except the fact he wore sunglasses indoors.

My blood started to boil with anger and I had no idea why; my fingers crept to my pocket where Heartbreaker rested.

"Are you Alyssa Combs?" he asked.

"Before I answer that maybe you should introduce yourself," I said.

He chuckled, "you're definitely different compared to your other half-sisters. I am Ares."

Stewart and Tyson walked up with the food and when they saw me talking with the biker, they tensed up but I gestured to them that everything was alright. They sat in the two chairs next to me and handed me my meal.

"So, you've got that sassy son of Poseidon's brother with you?" Ares said with distaste.

"How about you just state your business and get out of here," I growled, though I wasn't so sure why I used that tone of voice.

"Now easy there missy, I only want to help you..."

"Yeah, you could have just gone and saved Aphrodite yourself," I interrupted.

Stewart gave me a warning look and I took a deep breathe to simmer down.

"I can't, there's some sort of strange barrier and it won't let any god more than a mile from Mount Rushmore."

"Not even daddy?" Tyson piped in.

"Not even Zeus. Us gods think that there's a Titan Lord behind all of this but we're not sure."

"I'm not to surprised you're asking half-bloods for help," I muttered, "all half-bloods know about that time Percy kicked your butt at the beach some years ago."

"Girl, don't speak of that," Ares warned.

"Oh I could talk all day about it. A god beaten by a demigod, quite a good story."

Stewart saw that Ares was getting angry because fire poked from the top of his shades and tried to signal for me to stop but I kept going, "And especially that fact that the god was the god of war, maybe Percy should take up that spot."

"Shut up mortal, no one can be the god of war but me!!!" Ares bellowed and the whole building shook.

I finally found control over the anger that was coursing through my emotions and calmed down. Ares seemed to do the same and he adjusted his sunglasses.

"You're lucky you're a daughter of Aphrodite, otherwise, I'd kill you on the spot."

I crossed my arms and shrugged.

"Athena and Hera are rather reluctant about rescuing Aphrodite but all the other gods depend on you to save her, so if I kill you, I'd be punished by Zeus."

Well that certainly adds a lot of pressure, "Is that all you have to say?" I asked, still not really being able to control the strange anger in my voice.

"That is all," Ares added standing up. We heard Ares rev the engine of his motorcycle and drive off.

The anger and the tension left with Ares and I relaxed.

Stewart sighed and leaned back in his chair, "Alyssa, that was very foolish of you to talk to a god like that."

"It was very foolish for Ares to lose his temper over a small incident."

"You scared me," Tyson added.

I started eating and thought about the situation. The gods aren't able to get in and a Titan Lord might be behind it. I've got a lot of danger ahead.

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