Sunny Boy Impresses a Hunter

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The sky was darkening and Stewart had the lead while Tyson and I quietly walked behind. After Tyson had what he wanted to say, he seemed the quiet type like Stewart, except he'd see something interesting and ask me to tell him what it was or what was going on. So far, no monsters attacked, but that didn't mean they weren't on our trail. Stewart and I were powerful demigods and the more you figure out just how powerful you are, the stronger the scent becomes.

"Sunny boy, how about we stop and call it a day?" I asked.

"We can't," Stewart stopped, "there's been a cyclops stalking us all day."

I sighed and continued on. Sometime after we had spoken, we came upon a thick forest. Tyson clutched my arm with his big hand, sharing his nervousness with me.

"Ugh, it's too wide to go around," I grumbled, "looks like we're going to have a long night."

"Sounds like it too," Tyson added.

I brought out Heartbreaker and Stewart equipped his bow and we stepped into the vast, dark forest. The moon was blocked by the trees which made up a cage that kept us from ever escaping its

blackness. Stewart tossed me a flashlight after Tyson had stumbled and face-planted in the cool forest floor. If I wasn't scared out of my shorts, I would have cracked-up.

There was a rustle in the bushes. I jumped and readied Heartbreaker; a rabbit darted away from the flashlight beam. Snickers from Stewart's direction made my face feel hot (out of anger or embarrassment, I still do not know), though no one could tell because of the dark. There was another rattle of bushes, except it was much bigger.

I heard low whispers of deep voices in the distance. Muscles tensed, I followed the grumbling voices. Stewart and Tyson didn't notice me walking off but that was the last thing I needed. The whispering grew louder and I stopped when it became audible and there was a glow of a small campfire.

"It's Alyssa Combs, the half-blood that Eris wants captive," one said.

"But didn't she kill one of us?" a second asked.

"Yeah, but just one and she wasn't alone," a third scoffed.

A rock was kicked when I had taken another step.

"What was that?" the first one spoke again.

I clenched my teeth and put my back against the rock formation. A giant hand clenched the wall above me and there was a sniffing sound.

"What do you smell?"

"Half-bloods, but more than one and the smell is extra strong."

Argh, Sunny boy was right, I thought.

The cyclops stepped out from the arch the formation made. Luckily, he was looking the other direction so I slipped past his blind spot; unluckily, the other cyclops saw me and I was snatched up in an instant, his grip squeezing the life out of me, making me drop Heartbreaker.

"Hey Chomp, look at what I found," the second one chuckled.

"'We found' stupid, we found her," the third one reminded.

"It looks like our hunt is done boys," the first one announced, adjusting his belt.

I struggled against his grip but it was like being trapped in a metal cage. A silver arrow whizzed past my ear and sank its point into the cyclops' neck. It was followed by others and the howling cyclops was sent to Tartarus. Before I hit the ground, the first cyclops caught me, jerking upwards so hard that it felt like my teeth would fall out. He started off, with the third towing behind him.

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