Stewart Was Wearing Greek Armor

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I had regained enough consciousness to see Anna and another boy with black hair and sea green eyes talking. Some moans came from my mouth and not forcefully. It seemed to get Anna's attention and she slowly put in small spoonfuls of a liquid that tasted like my Dad's homemade milkshakes. The boy handed her a lemon square that she helped my jaw bite into, it burst with the flavor of strawberry pie, the kind my stepmother made for my birthday. I must have fallen asleep because when I opened my blue-grey eyes again, I saw Stewart, wearing some kind of chest plate, wrist guards and shin guards that looked to be a costume.

"Hi stinky," it was a good name to call him because the odor coming from him did smell like sweat and dirt mixed together.

"We'll, looks like Sleeping Beauty is awake, and no one even kissed her."

I sat up and punched him in the arm. Anna walked over with the boy that I saw earlier towing behind her.

"Is your strength back?" she asked.

Surprisingly, I felt no weariness at all. I stood without any help and heck, I was back to normal.

"Ambrosia and nectar can do that to a half-blood," she giggled at my amazement.

I crossed my arms and searched the area. Most of the kids were wearing orange t-shirts that read in Greek, 'Camp Half-Blood;' wait, I just read Greek. The sign at the doorway was also written in Greek and I could read it clearly, 'Infirmary.'

"Are words not mixing up on you?" the black haired boy asked with a smirk on his face.

I nodded.

"That's because your mind is made for Greek, not English. All half-bloods are like that."

"Wait, why do you keep calling me a half-blood?"

Before that question was answered, a ginger boy, or should I say goat clopped into the room. My eyes kept wandering to the lower half of his body, from his torso and down, he was a goat!

"Hey, why is this pretty lady looking at me strangely?" the boy-goat, whatever he was said.

"Oh, Grover, this is a new member of the camp. She's kinda weirded out right now."

"Ah, you haven't explained to her about half-bloods and such. Anyway miss, I'm Grover; and before you ask about the legs, I'm a satyr."

"I thought satyrs were Greek mythology..."

"Easy Alyssa, Chiron will explain everything, right now, let's just focus on the walk to the Big House," Stewart put a hand on my shoulder and I relaxed a little.

"By the way, I'm Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon," the sea green eyed boy introduced, "and I'm sure you've already met this beautiful daughter of Athena, Annabeth."

I knew that there was more than just Anna when I first laid eyes on her; but when the title they introduced themselves with made me even more confused. Percy had wrapped his hand around Annabeth's waist and I immediately knew they were a couple. The satyr, Grover, walked off and Percy, Annabeth, Stewart and I started our journey to the Big House.

On the walk there, Stewart firstly explained that he wasn't wearing a costume, but Greek armor. Other boys and girls were wearing the similar designs: kids were dueling with real swords in an arena (and some were even getting hurt and had to be carried off to the infirmary), archers were shooting at targets, some girls were doing each other's makeup, strange looking girls (nymphs as Annabeth explained) where playing or reading and satyrs were playing sweet music in the strawberry patch (Annabeth also explained to me how the music helps the plants grow). Everything was how I pictured a Greek city would be.

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