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Tyson and I had made it out right as the stones collapsed at the entrance. Aphrodite was still weak but she is now conscious and already fretting about her appearance. While Tyson listened to her complaints, I stared at the stones that prevented me to save Alyssa; emotions flooding my mind, blocking out the pain that coursed through my body.

Alyssa was gone, trapped in the hands of a goddess that loves bloodshed; what is she going to do to her? I felt like I failed her, like I could have saved her from the greatest fear in her life. But, I didn't, she wanted me to leave her. Aphrodite finally grew the strength to stand and her pink hue returning to normal; and her whining about her appearance started getting unbearable.

"Tyson, you take Aphrodite to camp, I'm going back," I commanded.

"No Stewart, you know you can't do it on your own," Tyson protested.

"Honey, I know you love this girl but she wanted to you be safe; besides, you can get reinforcements back at the camp," Aphrodite added.

I didn't respond, just kept my eyes on the boulders, squeezing Heartbreaker. But if I leave now, Eris will do horrible things to her, but Aphrodite and Tyson have a point. I do have a better choice of winning if I have help.

I nodded at Aphrodite and Tyson and reluctantly, walked away.

Aphrodite's strength regained by the minute and after being some miles from the landmark, she was able to perfect herself and refresh Tyson and I. She snapped her fingers and instantly, my filthy t-shirt and torn jeans became designer cloths. My tousled auburn hair was combed and parted and I felt clean and refreshed. Tyson also looked decent with his designer clothes. Aphrodite on the other hand, seemed to change appearance, first seeming to look like Taylor Swift; a singer I have had a crush on since I was twelve, then like Alyssa. She was out of this world kind of beautiful but I knew that she could be untrustworthy at times.

During those miles of walking, Aphrodite decided to have a talk with me and I was very interested on what she had to say about how Alyssa first came to be.

"I met her father, who was a very fine young man. When I was expecting Alyssa, I decided to make her different, instead of giving her the talent to perfect her appearance, I gave her the ability to find a weakness in every fighting technique. But there is the charmspeak, which I am afraid she can't control very well."

"What do you mean by charmspeak?"

"Has there ever been a time when what Alyssa said was so convincing that you did it?"

I pondered about that, there had been a time where I was not in the mood for playing my guitar but she asked me and I don't know how, but I had played like ten different songs before I had finally cut to my senses. Or another time when we were eight and she wanted me to hold her hand when we crossed the street (since I was quite tall for being nine) and I refused, but again, I found myself holding her hand, "yeah."

"That's how charmspeak works, and when you can't control it, it happens whenever you desperately want something. There was the fear of her not being accepted by the rest of her half-sisters so that's why I had planned Piper ahead of Alyssa, so that there would be one similar to her."

"Seems as if you planned everything but the fact that she gets thrown into a prophecy and captured by the goddess of discord and not to mention bloodshed. She might use Alyssa as a soda stand for blood to drink!" I hadn't realized that my voice had gotten much louder.

"Easy there Stewart, Alyssa is tough, she won't give in as easily as most might and you know that."

I heaved a big sigh.

"Well, looks like I can bring you two back to the camp without breaking a horrible sweat," Aphrodite exclaimed

A bright pink glow flashed and my vision was temporarily blurred. My head felt like it was spinning then we appeared at Camp Half Blood Hill. Tyson seemed to have experienced the same dizziness harder for he thought I looked like a girl till his head cleared.

"Well, I have brought you far enough. Good luck on saving your bae," she smiled then disappeared in the same blinding glow.

"Wait, what does bae..."

"Tyson, don't bother yourself," I interrupted, though something in my head was telling me that what Aphrodite called her might become popular.

I shoved that thought away and walked past the border of the camp. The campers greeted us with waves and a few of my half-siblings had come to talk. When they mentioned Alyssa, I didn't respond and walked away quicker. Percy and Annabeth were with Piper and a new boy with blond hair and eyes similar to those of the older hunter we met in the forest.

Tyson ran ahead and with his arms outstretched and gave the same greeting that he had given Alyssa and I. The thought of Alyssa made me worry about what was happening to her now. Percy came up to me and we man-hugged.

"Hey Stewart, where's Alyssa?"

"Lets just say the prophecy the Oracle had said might be true..."

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