Chapter 2

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I woke up screaming, tears streaming down my face. He was coming for me. He was coming for me.

It took me a moment to realize that I had been dreaming. I stopped screaming and held my knees to my chest, rocking back and forth and trying to compose myself.

Suddenly I heard feet running down the hallway. The boys burst into my room and ran to my bed, looking alarmed. Niall knelt down in front of me and put his hand on my leg. I flinched at first, but allowed his hand to stay. It comforted me. 

"Cara, are you okay?" He said, looking at me intently. 

"I'm fine." I said, trying to avoid eye contact.

"You were screaming..." Zayn said. He seemed confused and worried. It was nice to know that the boys cared about me, but I couldn't tell them the truth. They wouldn't understand. None of them knew my past--except for Harry--and I wasn't about to tell them.

"I--I saw a spider, that's all. But I killed it. It's fine. I'm fine." 

I felt bad about lying to them, but what was I supposed to do? I could hardly tell a social worker everything, let alone some boys I had just met. 

They all stared at me, looking suspicious. I didn't think that they bought it, but I didn't care. 

"I'm gonna go back to bed. You should, too."

The boys obeyed, and left the room. All except for Harry. He sat down next to me and put his hand on my arm.

"Was it...?" Harry asked.

I nodded quickly, fighting tears. Harry knew about my dreams and where they came from. Like I said, I told him everything. 

"I don't wanna talk about it. I think I'm just gonna go downstairs and watch TV until I can fall asleep again." I said.

"You're sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Thank you, though." 

I smiled at Harry and left the room. I did have to admit, it felt much safer having five boys living with me. But I couldn't forget my past. It seemed to haunt me everywhere I went, and it had been getting worse lately. 

Every night for the past month or so, I had been waking up to nightmares of him. It had been years, why was this happening now? I tried to stop thinking about it as I laid down on the couch and turned on the TV. After all, thinking about it was only going to make me more frustrated. I tried to focus on the television as I slowly drifted back into sleep. 

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