Chapter 9

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Omg I almost have 50 reads! That is sooo incredible. When I started this I thought that maybe one person would read it.

So wow!

And thank you soooooo much to everyone that's read. You are incredible.

I love you all!

xoxo, Kay


The night after the incident, I laid on the couch, watching TV as usual. I still couldn't believe how vivid the flashback had been the night before. I could feel him. His cold hands reaching out to grab me. The evil grin spreading across his face. I shivered. Maybe I needed to start going back to therapy.

But I didn't want to think about that.

"Can't sleep?" A deep voice asked.

I jumped and turned to face Harry.

"God," I said, holding my chest and attempting to catch my breath, "You scared me."

"I'm sorry, love." Harry said. 

"It's fine." I smiled at Harry. 

Harry already knew the reason why I had gotten into an accident, but none of the other boys--apart from Niall, of course--had a clue. All that I had said when they asked me was that it was dark, and late, and that I had been tired.

"What are you watching?" Harry said with a confused look on his face as he glanced at the TV.

"I don't really know, I haven't actually been paying attention."

I looked at the TV and realized that an informercial was playing. I laughed at myself and shut it off.

"So," I said, "What's up?"

"Not much." Harry said, sitting down and running his hands through his hair. 

Harry and I sat on the couch just talking for a while. It was nice, it kept my mind off of everything else that was going on. 

Harry sat on the couch, and I laid there, with my head in his lap. 

"Cara...?" Harry said, reluctantly.

"What is it, Harry?" I asked.

Harry paused.

"No--Nothing. It's nothing. Nevermind." Harry looked away.

I sat up, "Harry!" I whined, "You've been doing this to me all week!"

I looked at him and furrowed my eyebrows, "What is it?" 

Harry stood up and began to walk to the kitchen. He looked frustrated.

"I told you!" He said, somewhat harshly, "It's nothing!"

I followed him into the kitchen.

"It's obviously not nothing!" I said. I was starting to get mad. Harry was keeping something from me. Something that at least part of him wanted to tell me. And I didn't like it. 

I leaned over the counter, "Tell me." I demanded.

Harry turned to me. He paused to look me in the eyes before speaking.

"I--I can't." He said, turning back around.

I walked around the counter to where Harry was standing and put my hand on his arm. 

Harry faced me. He looked serious. Just when I thought that he was about to tell me he turned around and walked back to the living room. 

"Harry Edward Styles!" I said, following close behind him, "I demand you tell me right now what the hell is--"

Just then, Harry's lips came crashing into mine. 

I could feel his large, warm hand on the back of my neck, pulling my face up to meet his lips. But I just stood there. I couldn't comprehend what exactly was happening. Harry's lips moved with mine. And I'll admit, it didn't feel bad at all.

I suddenly realized what was happening. I put my hands on Harry's chest and pushed him away. 

"Harry..." I said, still trying to get my head together, "I--"

"No." Harry said, "Let me talk. I'm in love with you, Cara. I have been for a long time. But I wasn't sure of it until I came here and actually got to see you. But I am. I am completely in love with you. Everything I think about is you. I can't get you out of my head."

"Harry, no." I said quietly. 

"Cara, listen to me--"

"No!" I said in a shouted whisper, "This can't happen."

"Why can't it happen?!" Harry demanded, "I've known you forever. I know everything about you. You can trust me. I love you. What is wrong with that?"

"Harry, love you, I do. But--but not like this. I--"

I paused, trying to gather my thoughts.

Harry grew more frustrated and anxious.

"What is it?!" He said.  

"I'm in love with Niall!" I rushed out. 

Harry stared at me. He walked a few feet away, his back facing me. His head was down.

I tried to walk over to him.

"Harry..." I said.

"No!" He yelled. 

I jumped back, afraid. Harry had never raised his voice at me. I knew that he lost his temper easily, but I had never actually seen it happen.

"I'm leaving." He said. 

He turned to the door and began to walk towards it. As he turned, I saw that he was crying. 

"Harry--" I said. I didn't want to see him like this. I did love him, but like a brother and a best friend. The last thing I would ever want to do was hurt him, and I couldn't stand the thought that I had actually made him cry.

"Save it, Cara!" Harry said, coldly.

And with that, Harry slammed the door and left. 


Okay, so I've had a bit of writer's block, so I'm sorry that this chapter is so short, and I hope it doesn't suck.

But I'm sorry if it does.

So... Nara VS Hara! 


Again, thank you for almost 50 reads, that's unbelievable.

I love you all!

xoxo, Kay

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