Chapter 19

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I nervously stepped off of the plane and walked down the hall to the terminal. I didn't know what was going to happen. I didn't know if Niall was going to be here, or if I was never going to see him again. But I hoped that he would.

I had spent the entire flight thinking about Niall. Thinking about what I would do when I finally saw him, what I would say. I played out the scene in a thousand different ways, trying to prepare for what was coming. But as I walked down the hallway that seemed to be never ending, I realized that I couldn't prepare for this. I couldn't prepare for Niall.

Niall had come into my life in a time when I had lost all hope, when I thought that nothing was ever going to get better. And out of nowhere, he changed everything. He brought me out of the light, away from the darkness that haunted me. He showed me love, kindness, and gave me hope, hope that I didn't even know I could have. I could never have prepared myself for that.

And I finally realized that I didn't know what was going to happen. And for the first time in my life, I was okay with that.

Maybe Niall wouldn't be here. Maybe I wouldn't ever see him again. And of course that would hurt, but I would be okay. Niall had taught me that things could get better, and gave me hope for my future. Even without Niall, I was still here. I was still going to have a future, with or without him. I wanted him in my life, but for the first time, I was okay with just being me.

I walked into the terminal feeling confident, something that I hadn't felt in forever. No, I didn't need Niall. I wanted him. But I would survive without him. And I would be happy.

And then, suddenly, he was there.

Niall was there, standing in the terminal, scanning through the mass of people coming off of the plane.

I froze, my eyes locked on his face. His face, which I had forgotten how much I loved.

He looked through the crowd and suddenly stopped, staring at me. I waved and smiled, letting out a small, awkward laugh. Tears began to well up in my eyes.

Niall started running towards me, pushing through people, and all the while staring at me. I started walking forward, and broke into a run.

He reached out his hands and wrapped them around me. It was like it was happening in slow motion. Niall held me tight, and I buried my face into his shoulder, still crying. The pure, unadulterated joy I felt in that moment was overwhelming. I could've stayed there like that--wrapped up in his strong arms--forever.

Niall finally pulled away. He held my face in his hands and stared into my eyes.

"Cara... I love you. I'm so sorry. I was stupid. We can go back to America. We can stay there--"

"Niall, no. I'm here, Niall. I'm here because I love you. And I don't care where we are, I don't care where my dad is, because I'm with you. I'm with you, and that's all I want, to be with you. Everything in my past is my past, but you, Niall, you are my present and my future."

I stared into Niall's eyes, brimming with tears.

"I love you, Niall."

"I love you, too."

Niall pulled my face into his, and, just like that, the puzzle pieces clicked back together.


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