Chapter 6: To Utapau

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The Jedi High Council sat in their circle in the council chambers as Anakin relayed the news.

'Confirmed, the location of Grievous is?' Yoda asked.

Anakin nodded. 'Apparently. The Chancellor has requested that I go there and deal with him personally.'

'The Council will decide who goes, Master Skywalker, not the Chancellor,' Windu said with his typical bluntness. Anakin had half a mind to demand what his deal was, but managed to hold his tongue. That was not the sort of argument he wanted to have on record.

'Think on this, we will. Suggestions, have you, anyone?'

'An experienced Master should go,' said Ki-Adi-Mundi. 'Someone such as Master Kenobi.'

'Send two, I think,' Yoda suggested. 'A powerful adversary Grievous is. Afford to underestimate him, we cannot.'

'Master Yoda, we cannot afford to spare two Jedi,' Mace protested. 'We don't have the forces.'

'Master Kenobi,' Yoda said, turning to Obi-Wan. 'Nominated, you have been. An opinion, you have?'

'Master, if you wish for me to go, I will do so gladly,' Obi-Wan replied after a thoughtful moment. 'If I am to go, I will bring my clones with me. However, I would prefer to bring another Jedi as backup in case things go wrong.'

'Master Kenobi, are you saying you are not confident in your ability to capture or kill General Grievous?' Mace raised an eyebrow.

'Of course not, Master Windu,' Obi-Wan replied, though Anakin caught his eyes flicking to Yoda for a moment. 'I am merely being cautious. All I am suggesting is sacrificing efficiency in numbers for efficiency in speed. The longer Grievous is loose in this galaxy, the longer the war will drag on.'

'A sound argument,' Master Tiin acknowledged.

'Very well,' Master Windu sighed. 'If we are all in agreement, the Council will send Master Kenobi and another to Utapau to hunt down Grievous.'

Everyone in the Council agreed.

'Who will go with me?' Obi-Wan asked when the vote was cast.

'If Master Kenobi is leading this mission, it makes sense to send Skywalker,' Master Plo Koon's holo pointed out. 'They have taken on Grievous together before.'

'Master Windu should go,' Master Fisto argued. 'He has more experience.'

'Duties on Coruscant Master Windu has to perform, Master Fisto,' Yoda argued. 'Go on this mission, he cannot.'

'Skywalker was nominated by the Chancellor,' Mace argued. Anakin glared at him, though the Jedi Master didn't see it. 'I don't trust the Chancellor's intentions.'

'By placating the Chancellor, reduce his interest in the Council, we may,' Yoda mused. 'Clouded the Chancellor's plans are from us. Let them play out, we could.'

'I don't like this,' Windu growled. 'The Chancellor is getting too close.'

'The Chancellor hasn't done anything wrong!' Anakin protested. Obi-Wan sent him a shut-up-if-you-want-to-stay look, which Anakin ignored. 'He hasn't revealed any plans for Utapau to me, so how could I carry them out?'

'We never said you would,' Windu argued.

'But you're thinking it, aren't you, Master Windu? I can sense your distrust in me.'

Every eye on the council moved from Anakin to Mace and back.

'We'll vote on it,' Mace said finally with a tired sigh. 'All those in favour of allowing Skywalker to accompany Master Kenobi to Utapau?'

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