Chapter 19: The Shadows and the Light

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Obi-Wan lead Anakin back through the halls, not allowing himself to think further than ensuring they both returned to the others safely. Part of his mind was still focused on Padmé's signature. It was fainter naturally, and she was still very weak, which made it a suitable challenge to take his mind off what had happened in the hallway until he could discuss it with Master Yoda, far from prying ears.

Padmé had been moved since they left, now lying, unstirring in a sterile white bed, sheets tucked over her still swollen belly. He felt a spike in Anakin's anxiety as they entered, but it calmed by itself when Anakin saw her chest rising and falling rhythmically. She was still unconscious, but she was alive and, now, stable.

Anakin was by her side in an instant, talking to the medi-droid about her condition, completely oblivious to Senator Organa, who had just entered.

Quietly, Obi-Wan excused himself and activated his comm.

'Master, we need to talk,' he murmured once the Grandmaster's blue holo was standing before him.

'Long overdue, I think,' Yoda agreed and Obi-Wan told him everything. When he was finished, Yoda was silent for a long while. Finally, he said, 'A disturbing development this is.'

'Do you think he'll have to leave the Order?' Obi wan asked.

Yoda shook his head. 'When sure there is an Order to leave we are, discuss this we will.'

The twins were moved into Padmé's room after half an hour, deemed perfectly strong and healthy. Obi-Wan waited a further half an hour before venturing into the room himself.

His former padawan knelt silently at Padmé's bedside, one arm absently stroking her leg through the sheets, the other pillowing his head where it rested beside her knee. Something in her had changed since Obi-Wan had last seen her. She was a little less pale now, and looked more like she was sleeping deeply, rather than laid out for her own funeral. Her hand had slipped from resting on her belly to resting on Anakin's elbow.

Obi-Wan knew that time was precious at that moment, that there were so many things they needed to do that did not include taking in the scene, the Skywalker family (family!) still and sleeping. He knew he needed to rouse Anakin, rally him for the battle ahead, but it had been a very long time since he had seen Anakin like this; shoulders relaxed, closed eyes barely visible through his hair, mouth slack, breathing deeply.

'She's going to be okay,' Anakin said finally without moving. Of course, Obi-Wan knew he hadn't actually been asleep, not like the other beings in the room, but it had been nice to pretend for a moment.

'I know,' Obi-Wan sighed and stepped further into the room. 'Which means it's time to go.'

Anakin looked up at him, straightening up and opening his eyes. 'What?' he asked, and just like that the tension in his shoulders returned. 'No- Obi-Wan-'

Obi-Wan stood in front of him, the stern Jedi Master once more. 'Anakin, there is a war going on, don't forget that. The Clone Wars may be almost over, but the Sith are ruling an empire out there.' Anakin's blue eyes widened as if he had forgotten that fact, and perhaps he had. 'You may have made your vows to Padmé,' Obi-Wan said softly. 'But you also made a vow to the Republic and the Jedi Order. They need you too. More so than your family right now.'

Anakin's eyes seemed to dim a little as he took a deep breath and rose until he stood taller than Obi-Wan. He stared down at Padmé, and then the twin cribs in the corner. He sighed and then nodded. 'Time to go to war.'

They left Senator Organa on Polis Massa and took Padmé's skiff. Sitting in the pilot's seat, Anakin turned to Obi-Wan. 'So, what is the plan?'

'Master Unduli is moving down the list of the Delegation in order to intercept the Emperor's forces. Master Secura is moving up the list as fast as she can, leaving us the task of taking Sidious and getting the word out.'

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