Chapter 1

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Pandit Bhavyesh was standing on the platform of Sri Kalahasati Train Station. All the trains from Vijaywada to Tirupati halt at Sri Kalahasati Train Station. The platform was filled with people. Sweet jasmine flowers smell lingered in the air. Vendors were trying their best to sell steaming idlis and dosas.

The train was now visible, more importantly, it was on time. He felt joyous and a smile appeared on his lips. He waited patiently for the train to stop. He could see two faces smiling wide. They came out enthusiastically holding a bag each.

"Thatha! We missed you so much!"

"Thatha! How come you're here? We thought you will be in the temple. "

"Chaithra! Charusila! I missed you too," beamed Bhavyesh.

He looked again into the train door. "You both came here all by yourselves?"

Chaithra replied, "Sorry Thatha, Amma had an unexpected meeting so she had to stay for three days more. You know she is product launch manager, unexpected meetings are a part of it. Nanaa was supposed to join after a week. So they will coming after a week. Anyway we are grownups. We can take care of ourselves."

"Don't worry Thatha, I know karate. I can protect Akka also," assured Charusila.

Pandit Bhavyesh smiled, "Of course you can."

"Thatha I'm famished, can we go to our home? I'm eager to meet Ammamma."said Charusila

"Come let's go then."


"Ammamma" said both granddaughters in unison.

"Calm down princesses. Even I was eager to meet you!"

Chaithra and Charusila hugged their grandmother. Breaking from their hug, the girls ran to their room to see River Swarnamukhi from their room. Since it was summers, the river was completely dry. Disappointed, they turned towards their grandparents.

Pandit Bhavyesh turned to his wife, "Ramya, I'm leaving for temple." He went off, took a turn and started climbing the stairs of the temple.

Both the granddaughters peered over her shoulder. Charusila asked, "Ammamma why is the temple built on the stone hill ?"

Charusila was the younger one and would refer Chaitra as 'akka' meaning elder sister. Ramya patted her cheek, "That's because all temples are built scientifically."

"Built scientifically? "

"Idol or murthi that we worship, is placed in 'moola sthanam'."

Charusila pondered. "So what is this moola sthanam?"

"It is a place where earth's magnetic waves are maximum. These waves benefit the worshippers," explained Ramya.

As they were about to enter the house, Chaithra remarked, "Ammamma, aren't these toran? I knew Ugadi was round the corner. But these look fresh."

"Good observation Chaithra. That's because we change it after every 3-4 days. We believe it purifies the air around us."

Chaithra began to wonder. We used to come to Sri Kalahasati during summers every year but how come I didn't notice it? Maybe because we were to busy playing and chatting with Abhitha.

Chaitra asked Ramya, "Ammamma where is Abhitha?"

"She has gone to Vizag to meet her cousins."

"That's sad," said Charusila.

Ramya told them sternly, "Now my Kanyakumaris, will you go and take bath or else I'll send you back from the same train. I know it must be waiting at the station."

Both of them scurried to the bathrooms. But before they had a fight over the bathrooms, towels and clothes. Ramya sighed. These girls never grow up. Who will believe that Chaithra is 18 and Charusila is 16? Anyways I'll make rasam for them. They like it a lot. For I know once they will start, they will talk non stop till evening.

Sure enough, they were talking about their preparation for exams, how tensed they were then, how relieved they are now. They ate their lunch and went to the room for siesta. In the evening, Ramya called them for puja. They did the puja and offered their prayers to the trinity- Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma.

This temple town had a temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. Here His name was Sri Kalahasateeswara and His consort Goddess Parvati bore the name of Gnana Prasunamba. Hence the temple town was named Sri Kalahasati. Not very far away was another breathtaking temple; Tirumala Venkateswara Temple, Tirupati; which is believed to be Lord Vishnu's sacred abode.

They sat on the sofas when Pandit Bhavyesh stormed into the house. He was very angry. No one had seen him in such a rage.



Amma: Mother in South Indian languages

Nanaa: Father in Telugu

Ammamma: Maternal grandmother

Thatha: Maternal grandfather

Toran: A string of mango leaves, neem leaves and ashoka leaves. It is decorated on the main door.

Rasam: A South Indian curry prepared using tomato or tamarind or both. The recipe changes from place to place but the name remains the same.

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