Chapter Thirteen: The Berry

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Hey! It's Iveris!

I'm so sorry. I was being a whiny little turd and I feel really bad. I'm so sorry.

This chapter will probably be the last, but watch for a epilogue!! XD

Why not click play on that video on the side, gooood music man!

Anyway, I'm sorry and enjoy.


I stand up, wiping my nose.

You have to stay strong until the end. 

I glance at the berry in my hand. I take a deep breath and walk towards the crumpled figure of Jenna. A hovercraft flies over head. I cringe, thinking of Sean. Tears start to form in my eyes.

No, I have to stay strong for him.

Jenna's crumpled for starts to stand up. She was betrayed by someone she possibly loved. The dead ground is covered in blood. Alto's figure twitches. He was and ass. It was just plain to see. From the books I've read back at home the bad guy gets the girl, but the guy betrays the girl. Then the girl kills him. District four didn't have very many sweet romance novels.

Jenna kicks Alto's crumpled body, I hear a could snaps. The hovercraft appears overhead. Jenna doesn't move. The claw slowly makes it's was down to pick up Alto. Jenna still doesn't move.

"Jenna?" I call out to her. She turns to look at me. Her face is blotchy and red. Her hair is tangled and dirty. She looked like something you would find at the bottom of a lagoon. She glances at the claw. "Jenna, come here before you get hurt." I step towards her.

"Why should I, no one cares what I do." she spits.

"Jenna, I care." I say softly, reaching my hand out for her. She hesitates, the claw still slowly making its way down to Alto. "Jenna, you need to win. I need to see Sean." tears blur my fission. She was my last hope. Only us left. 

Jenna takes a small step forward. I take a deep breath, why didn't I take the berries sooner. What she does surprises me, she hugs me. I freeze up but soon relax, hugging her to. "Please, you need to win." I whisper into her hair. I start to drag her away from the blimp the best I could with my broken leg. I'm surprised that it healed so well.

Jenna doesn't try to back away, she gladly follows me.

We end up at the base of the cornucopia, I slowly sit down, trying not to bump my ankle. I pat the ground next to me for Jenna to sit.

"Why haven't you killed me?"

"What's the point." she says simply. I'm left speechless, maybe not all district one tributes weren't evil killing machines... A small snore brings me out of my thoughts. I turn and look at the sleeping Jenna.

I could take the berry right now. I would get to see Sean.

I pull the small berry from my pocket. Taking a deep breath, I eat it.

"Iveris! Common, we're gonna be late!" I start to run after my little sister, her long black hair trailing behind her. We end up in the middle of town, the giant statue of our mayor sits inside of a fountain spewing out water. I turn from the statue to catch up with my sister, only to run into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I quickly get off the ground, wiping the dirt of my pants.

"No, its fine." I look up to see a boy with bright blue eyes, starring at me.

"I-I'm Iveris." I hold out my hand. He gladly shakes it. It felt as if my hand touched a lighting bolt.

"Sean." he smiles.


"How did you get up there?" I hiss, looking up at Sean in our favorite tree.

"I climbed dummy." he laughs. 

"I wanna go up there!" I cross my arms.

"Well climb up here." he says simply.

"I can't climb." I kick a rock. Sean laughs again.

"I'll help you."


"Hey Iveris! I got something for you." Sean runs up to me on the last day of eight grade. I smile at him.

"I do too."

He pulls a small box out of his coat pocket and hands it to me. I reach inside of my backpack and pull out a small ring that I had made for him in metal works class.

"This is for me?" he says as I hand him the ring. I nod. He hands me the box. "Well, this is for you."

Opening the box is see a small white heart locket. It was the prettiest thing I've seen. I throw my arms around Sean. "I love it." 


"Iveris Cronin!" the capital lady announces into the microphone. My heart stops. I slowly walk up the stage, standing next to the wild lady. Tears start to fall from my eyes.

"Bruttis Drown." she smiles widely. A tough looking boy starts to walk up to the stage.

"No! I volunteer!" I voice shouts from the crowd. I look up to see Sean making his way through the crowd.


"Iveris, I love you, and I volunteered to protect you." Sean whispers into my ear. I turn to look at him, my eyes wide.

"I-I do too."




What did you think!!? I hope you guys enjoyed it!! Sorry it so short!! x(

I will have about two more chapters after this one! So keep your eyes pealed!!

Thanks a ton for staying with me after I was such a little turd!

Until next time!!

Iveris <3





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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2013 ⏰

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