Chapter 7

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Hey sorry I'm updating at 9:07 but i was watching iZombie on Netflix and time sorta got away from me but I am keeping my word and updating just for you.

Rhydian's POV:

Emma laid out the movies and popcorn on the table and went upstairs while, Shannon, Tom, and Maddy were getting the blankets from the closet I went and got the movies and popcorn. I brought them into the living room and set them down. They soon came in with all the blankets."Okay, so what movie do you want to watch", I ask. "How about we watch Divergent", Shannon says and we all nod so I grab Divergent and put it in the DVD player. Tom and Shannon make a pallet on the ground with some of the blankets and sit down. Me and Maddy sit on the couch with a couple of blankets and pillows. The movie starts and I wrap my arm around Maddy, she lays her head down on my shoulder and we start watching the movie. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      TIME SKIP         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

By now it is around 10:00 at night and Tom is already asleep and Maddy is almost asleep on my shoulder. Right now in the movie we are at the part were Tris and Four are in his own fear simulation. I hear Maddy snoring and I know now that she is asleep Me and Shannon are still awake for now.Shannon looks my way and I look back at her."Glad you made the right choice", I say to Shannon.She chuckles "Me too, I don't know what I was thinking I was going to try expose my best friend, I didn't think about it but I was going to hurt her more than help her kind.", she says. "You know Rhydian Maddy has never really told anyone this but she has loved you since the day you to met.", Shannon says and I look at her."I loved the first moment I saw here something just clicked and I knew I had to meet her, I can't believe how we actually met though.

"Yeah I don't really think anyone was expecting that", She says and I start thinking of when we met.


I was walking to my seat and I heard someone say to me "You smell like my parents",the whole class starts laughing and I look up to see a girl with beautiful brown eyes and hair. I can smell her shes like me shes like me I repeat in my head. Even though the comment was not all that pleasant, I just make my way to my seat and carry on with the class.


"I'm just glad Maddy has you, she was a wreck when you left. I didn't know what to say to her how to help.", Shannon says snapping me out of my thoughts. It pains me to know that Maddy was going through so much pain when I had left. I look over to her she has her hand on my chest, and her head on my shoulders asleep. She looks beautiful even when she is sleeping. "I hate I put her through that much pain", I say and look back over to Shannon. "Rhydian there was nothing you could do you were doing what was right to protect all of us", she says which makes me feel a little bit better. The movie is now almost to the end with about 20 minutes left. "Night Rhydian", Shannon says and she turns around to lay down and closes her eyes. "Night Shan", I say and lean back into the couch pulling Maddy down with me. She gets comfortable and lays her head down on my chest and I close my eyes I drift off to sleep with only one thing in mind. Maddy and only Maddy.

Okay so I'm so sorry for the late night update but I am a person so yah know. Anyways have you heard that they are coming out with a 4th season of WOLFBLOOD and guess what it airs on CBBC on March 8th, 2016. I don't know if it will be the same without Maddy and Rhydian or if there will be new characters but I know for certain Jana will be in the new season so just wanted to tell you. Now I already know that we cant get CBBC here in America, but if you have Netflix it should come out sooner or later so I'm super exited. Also if you haven't already go watch all the episodes of Wolfblood 1-3 on Netflix already. I will most likely update tomorrow but I don't know luv u guys. Oh and by the way if you have any questions just ask, I would be happy to answer them. And who's POV do you want me to do next ? Either message or comment below.

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