SEQUEL - Can't Get Enough - Chapter 3

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Addilyns's POV:

I stare up at Mason. How have I never smelled him before? He has been here for almost 2 weeks. It just doesn't make sense. I am brought back to reality when I see his hands waving in front of my face. 

"What do you want Mason?", I ask.

"Oh nothing Addy, I just wanted to say hi", he smirks.

"Sure", I curtly reply.

"Can I talk to your later?", he asks. 

"Why?", I ask.

"Because I need to, we can't talk here", he replies looking around us to make sure no one could hear I assume.

"Fine.", I state.

"Okay, meet me in the dark room after school.", he smiles.

The bell rings and Mason walks off to class. As I walk to class, I wonder what could be so important that he needed to talk to me about it in private? Also, if he is a wolfblood then why hadn't he said anything? I'm sure he would have smelled me.

I sit down in class beside Rachel and Daniel. They look at me weird and Iook back confused.

"What took you so long?", Daniel asks.

"Oh I forgot a book and then dropped my stuff", I reply coming up with something as fast as I can.

Rachel and Daniel don't know about me or my family being Wolfbloods. My parents said it was okay if they found out, but it is dangerous to have them included in that part of my life. Wolfbloods were more accepted now but some people still feared us and thought we a danger to society.

"Ohhh okay", Daniel states. Good, he bought it.

The teacher walks in as soon as the late bell rings. As class goes by I feel eyes on me but choose to ignore it. 


Classes go by fast and before I know it it's the end of the day. I say goodbye to Daniel and Rachel and tell them I have to talk to a teacher after school about a grade. They offered to stay and wait but I told them I wanted to walk to the cafe and then home. I walk to the darkroom and as I open the door I can see Mason is leaning against one of the tables. He looks up and smirks.

"What did you need to talk to me about?", I asked, getting to the point.

"I know you're a wolfblood, but why haven't I smelled you before today?", he asks and I am taken back.

"I don't know, I haven't smelled you before today either", I reply confused.

"We should have smelled each other the moment I came to the school", he states with a confused face.

"This makes no sense", I state.

"Yep, so how long have you lived here?", he asks.

"I've lived here my whole life", I reply.

"Cool. I use to live here when I was younger, but then my family moved. Recently though we moved back", he states.

"Oh, that's cool", I say not really knowing what to do know.

"I was wondering know that we both know we are wolfbloods, would you want to hang out. I mean I know I get on your nerves but I really just like messing with you", he laughs.

"Sure, I mean now it would be nice to have someone other than my family that gets what it's like to be a wolfblood", I reply.

"Great, I'll see you later Addy", he smiles and leaves.

Huh.. that was weird. Mason was never mean to me but he usually didn't do anything but mess with me. Maybe being friends with Mason won't be so bad. I mean he knows what it's like to be a wolfblood. It would be nice to have someone like me that's my age, that I can relate too.

I walk out of the darkroom and head to the cafe. I wasn't lying when I told Rachel and Daniel about wanting to stop by the cafe. It was in the middle of winter and I needed coffee to warm me up and motivate me to do my homework. I walk in the cafe, order my coffee, wait for it to get ready, grab it and go. As I'm walking, I think back to this morning and what my parents were talking about. I guess I'll have to wait a week until my birthday to find out.

Hey guys, I felt like updating today and I owe it to all of you to finish this sequel like I said I would. Also, I will be doing bonus chapters at the end of the sequel for Maddy and Rhydian moments before Addilyn and Jackson were born, and also Moments for Addilyn and Mason. 

BTW there will be some things different from the show. It's still the basics but with some things added from my imagination.

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