SEQUEL - Can't Get Enough - Chapter 9

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Mason's POV

Something feels off... I can feel it. I don't know what but something is definitely off. Addylin hasn't replied to my text since yesterday and I'm starting to get worried. I decide to go to her house and make sure she's alright.

As soon as I get there, I hurry to the door and Addylin's mom immediately opens it.

"Mason, Have you seen Addylin?", she asks.

"No, I came here to see if she was okay because she hasn't answered any of my text since yesterday", I replied confused.

"She hasn't been home since yesterday, I thought she spent the night with you and forgot to text us", Mrs. Morris says frightened.

"I haven't seen her since two days ago", I reply worried.

"We have to go look for her. She must have been taken and she could be hurt", she jumps up and runs to get Mr. Morris I assume.

They both come out of the kitchen and we head to our cars to start our search for Addylin.

Addylin's POV:

My head hurts and I can barely move. I open my eyes to see darkness. I can chemicals and smoke. Oh no, this is not good. Not good at all. I don't know how long I've been out because there are no windows in the cell I'm being held in.

"Wake up," I hear someone say. 

I open my eyes to see I'm in some sort of cage. There is someone standing on the other side of the bars.

"Oh so now you're awake," he grins creepily. I don't recognize him from anywhere.

"What do you want with me?" I ask, shakily.

"I want your power. You see, you and you're mate have a special bond. One that has immense power surging through it. The myth states, that if I kill you and absorb your power. I will have all of it." he explains. 

I suck in a breath. If I die that means Mason will die with me. I have to get out of here. 

The man starts to come closer to the bars and opens the door. I struggle as he comes closer but before he can lay his hands on my the door bursts open and I see...

So so sorry for the extremely long wait. I wish I had updated sooner. Honestly, I just don't have much motivation to update this story anymore. I have another account on Wattpad 


so I don't get on here as much. I have a story I'm writing called The Lonely Stars and it has taken up a lot of my time. But, I'm going to push through and finish this story for all of you that want me too. Thank you for staying with this story. Love you!

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