Chapter 1: Percy and the Moonstone

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Percy's POV

Here I am fighting for my life next to Annabeth my beautiful girlfriend. Just a normal day being a demigod and all.

Anyways I was fighting two gorgons with her. The way she could still stay beautiful while fighting bloodthirsty monsters was so hot. The gorgon took advantage of me being caught off guard and I almost got my head cut off.

"Ugh, I hate these monsters! I mean, I know Gaea wants to take over the world and all but really?" I heard Annabeth yell from across the field. She slashed the gorgon while she was telling her about the free samples. "Trusting these lowlifes to kill us, she could of at lest sent something that had a chance at beating us."

"Says the girl who's fought us 6 times already... And that's just today." said the gorgon who already was reforming. Annabeth slashed it and watch it crumple to dust.

"Ahh did somebody get mad?"


If the situation hadn't been so serious I would of been bursting out laughing. I slashed at the last gorgon and we ran across the camp borders were we would be safe or at least as safe as it ever gets for a demigod.

"Come on Seaweed Brain, it's almost time for dinner." I heard Thalia yell. She's my cousin but I love her like a sister. I don't get to see her much though, ever since she joined the hunters. The only reason they were here was because they were helping us defend the camp from Gaea's monsters. They were getting restless.

"I'm coming Pinecone Face, don't worry. I mean it's not like we were nearly dying over there or anything." I yelled back.

I looked around the camp everything was so peaceful you couldn't even tell a war was going on. Everyone was smiling and laughing as they trained or just hung out. Connor and Travis were pranking the new kids. Jason was falling off the climbing wall, again. Tyson was talking to Leo about making magic axes. Everything was perfect.

Annabeth's POV

I ran over to the dinning pavilion to see everyone looking at Willow La'Luna, a new demigod. Percy even fell over and I had to catch him. Hovering over her was a blue trident and a three.

Chiron stood up, "I would like to introduce Willow La'Luna, daughter of Poseidon."

Willow walked over to Percy, her new half brother.

"H-hi, I-I-I'm P-Percy." He obviously was shocked to have a sibling. I mean yeah we were surprised but Percy was really close to his father so he must of been surprised that he didn't tell him he had a sister.

"So I guess I'm your sister."

" Um yeah, so sit down and tell me 'bout yourself.."

"Well first off I like to go by Luna. I was a bit of a geek at my old school. So I spent most of the time with my dad-although I guess not really my dad." she rambled on not aware of all the staring.

Wow, Seaweed Brain has a little sister! That I didn't expect I mean the Big Three are still kind of uncomfortable about the idea of having kids again.

"Hey Annabeth, I'm taking Luna to get her weapon. Wanna come?" Percy broke me out of my thoughts.

"Sure," I was glad Percy asked me to come. I wanted to get to know this girl. Who knows maybe one day she'll be my sister! Woah, slow down Annabeth. I ran over to them and realized how much they look alike. They both had raven black hair but she had a blue streak in it. They also both have sea green eyes. She looked about 10.

"Hi, my names Annabeth, daughter of Athena," I introduced myself.

"Hi! It's an honor to meet you. Everyone's told me so much about your adventures with Percy." Luna said who seemed excited. We were about to go get her a weapon when Leo ran up to us.

Percy and the MoonstoneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora