A/N Wow

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*sipping on lovely coconut drink while relaxing in a lawn chair in my backyard* *lowers sunglasses* Oh hey guys! My old pals, my moonys. Been a while, eh? I- *checks script*

Hold up.

*throws sunglasses away* *replaces with actual glasses*

This can't be right.

It says I haven't updated this book in a year. As if I just totally left this account completely with no regards to my loyal readers and.....oh......


Alright. Let me just say. I am SO SORRY.

I've neglected this account for so long and ignored everything I've worked on here. I just got so caught up in new things and new books and new accounts that I forgot what truly matters so much to me.

This account. This book. Two of the biggest firsts in my life. This being the first book I ever wrote and yet it's not the first book I ever finished. This strange story that I thought up has had so much positive feedback and has grown so much more than I ever thought it would.

I know I've left so many people waiting and it's time I made good on the support of all my moonys.

So yes. I will be updating the last six chapters of this book soon. And who knows, maybe I'll keep expanding later if I truly think I can. Until then, please wait just a little longer my friends. Thank you.

And to all...


Percy and the MoonstoneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora