Chapter 17: Fix Me

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*Last time on, Percy and the Moonstone*

"It has been decided. Perseus Jackson is to be killed."


Now that I have the taste of human blood, now that I've started eating again....I cant stop.

I might not be able to stop myself next time I see a human...or a demigod.


"My name's Belle," She said to me, "W-Why are you do-doing this?"

"I'm a monster. And this is what monsters do."

"I don't think you're a monster..." Belle said, "You're just...different.


"I love him..." Piper mumbled as we left the son of Jupiter for the last time.


Percy's POV

One day, three hours, and fourteen minutes.

That's how long I've been in this cell. The prey captured me using those stupid dart guns. No...not prey. Friends. They are friends not prey. Stop thinking like that. I banged my head against the concrete wall as hard as I could multiple times. How long will it be before I get it in my head? They are friends not food.


I freeze. I couldn't see who said it but I already knew it was her. She had come in here every day since I was captured.

I could feel her eyes on me. She hadn't looked at me the same way since I...since I killed Jason.

"Bane?" She said again.

"Piper," I croaked out, I felt like I hadn't drunken anything in ages. The reason being they feared I could still control water. To tell you the truth I don't even know anymore, I haven't tried since I died.

Oh hey that ryhmed! I laughed slightly. All because of the Titan of time.

I sighed. I really was going insane.

"I brought you some food," Piper said, breaking the silence.

I turned my head towards her slightly. The smell of it hit me almost immediantly. Meat, food it was standing in front of me....just waiting to be eaten...

No. I can't think like that. But I'm so hungry. I felt the bloodlust hit me in a wave of hunger. Before I knew it I was in my wolf form clawing at the bars of the cage. I couldn't stop myself no matter how hard I tried.

Piper yelped slightly, dropping the plate of food. The sound seemed to startle me back to reality.

"Piper," I said in a whisper, turning into my human form. I just watched as she shook her head, walking away, and leaving me alone in the darkness.

I wanted to say something, anything to her, but nothing would come out. The door shut close though and I stood there in the silence.

My cell wasn't very big. It was a medium sized space carved into a dirt wall with bars on the open walls to keep me from escaping. Then there was a very long, wide hallway in between my cell and the wooden door that acted as my only exit. It was all positioned directly under what I could only assume to be Camp.

One day, three hours, and twenty-three minutes.

I stared at the door, still seeing the outline of her fearful face. What happened to me? I asked myself feeling tears fill my eyes.

"F-fix me..." I whisper to no one. I can't do this anymore. But who am I kidding? Who will fix me? Me? A monster?

"Fix me..." Tears trail down my face and I slid to the ground, "Someone just fix me..."

I jumped as I heard the door swing open, not expecting to see the hunters coming through the door with Artemis, Thalia, and Luna in the lead. I looked at only Luna though. If only she could look at me...

"Perseus Jackson," Artemis said. I couldn't help but flinch at the sound of my old name, not to mention my full name.

I quickly whipped off my tears, not wanting to show any weakness. It took the little self-control I had to not try to rip into them. God I was starving, if only I had let Piper give me my food...

"The Olympians have decided," Artemis said in a cold tone, "To-"

"Kill me?" I croaked out, not even caring anymore, "Because if they're going to do it than just do it now. I won't try to stop you...I d-don't care anymore......they should of just killed me the first time. Then this mess wouldn't of even happened."

"We aren't going to do that Percy," Thala said. Oh god the look she had on her face nearly destroyed me. It wasn't a look of shock, for what I said. It wasn't anger for killing her brother. It wasn't even terror that I got from most peope.

It was pity.

Was that all I was now? Someone to be pitied? Someone to feel sorry for? I would gladly take shock or fear....or even hatred. But not pity.

"As I was saying," Artemis said, "The Olympians wish to move you to the Olympian prison, for safety measures. They don't think its safe for you to be this close to campers."

I just nodded. Like I had said before, no one is going to fix me. Just then I heard the door creak open again but I didn't bother to look up.

"Ah B, I see you're done with your quest," I heard Artemis say.

"Yes," Said a strangly familiar voice, "The others said you'd be in here, why?"

I looked up, wondering why the voice sounded so familiar. I gasped with shock when I saw the girl who hadn't seen me, dressed in a hunter's uniform, who looked to be 15 now. I didn't think I would have ever seen her again.

"B-Belle?" I stutter out, unable to believe what I was seeing. She turned to see me for the first time with a look of shock in her eyes.

"Its you!" She said and I watched as she (surprisingly) began to smile. Much to the shock of the hunters, she ran right up to me.

"No Belle, he's dangerous!" I heard someone say but she ignored them to my surprise.

And for the first time in what felt like forever, I smiled a true, genuine smile.

"You didn't think you could get rid of me that easy, now did you?" She smiled at me.

I didn't realize it at the time but my bloodlust was dimming down, if only slightly. Maybe someone can fix me after all...




I am so sorry for that wait my Moonys! Honestly! I don't even have that good of an excuse. But I can tell you that I have ben working on some stuff on my second account used for non-fanfiction writing, @RedEyed_Wolfy so go check it out cause I have some stuff posted!

Also the song in the media is the them song for this chapter. It's "Drown" by bring me the horizon and I am just completely in love with it!!!

I want to thank all you guys for reading my story and for waiting this long!

Sharks: What we don't get a thanks?!

Me: *sigh* Just make sure to eat pie and...


Percy and the MoonstoneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora