The essence of the word eternity makes my whole soul quake with maddening fear...
To know the definitions shakes me....
Eternity, as in forever, never NOT there.
The phrase "to live for eternity" gives me nightmares,
Because to live for eternity is to forever while the ones you care for leave..... the blooming flowers slowly wilt as the torturing seasons pass by, year after mindless year....
.........become scared to see another one of your loved ones leave you, so you turn into a hermit, never wanting to see the light of day for it only forsakes your broken heart to see something shining so beautifully...
and finally, you'll slowly become nothing you used to be, just a frame for your soul, and you'll want ot crawl into a box, shrivel up, and die, but you can't, and knowing that makes you fell worthless....
and as I've learned more on more of the consequences for this terrible phrase, I've realized reasons for dying, moving on, disappearing. Should you be more afraid of death or of living?
As you die, you know there's a place, where someone needs you, as if you're being summoned by God, and maybe it's not the end, maybe it's neither a new beginning or a final end, it might be stuck in between.
Living is beautiful, you feel, you can be beaten, you can be hurt, but it still seems magnificent to know we're breathing. Yet, to live on, ruining and pushing your destiny until it falls off a cliff, and all your ambitions fall with it steadily. That life that once felt as if it was the most refreshing feeling, turned into a living nightmare right before you're eyes.
Death comes when it needs to, there's no mistake in it, it's fate, your destiny to move to the afterlife.
But eternity is forever, and forever is a very long time...
ETERNITY and other poems
Poetrye·ter·ni·ty- /iˈtərnitē/ (n.) infinite or unending time.~ This book is full of an assortment of poems that I've written on my thoughts and feelings about the world, or my personal depression or problems. Love, depression, relationships, loneliness...