The dandelions blow through,
And I've been enlightened once again.
All the nature's winds,
Seeps into my veins.
I crave for the excitement
Of the leaves again.
Each season, changing my tune.
The summer comes,
I need to run,
Run to find my escape in the green, hazy fields.
Fall drifts,
Makes me sift,
Softly reminiscing my feelings.
Winter screams to me,
Those bright lighted dreams come clearest in the bittersweet breeze.
When spring spins around,
I fall deep down,
Catching my breath in the memories.
The blooms slip me,
Tulips and buttercups,
I don't need it any other way.
For if all my possessions vanished,
And my loved ones turned away,
The soft, ever-changing breeze
Will caress my skin and stay.
ETERNITY and other poems
Puisie·ter·ni·ty- /iˈtərnitē/ (n.) infinite or unending time.~ This book is full of an assortment of poems that I've written on my thoughts and feelings about the world, or my personal depression or problems. Love, depression, relationships, loneliness...