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The small distance...

between you losing yourself,...

and you regaining what you almost fully lost 

are extremely close to eachother.

and as the moment to choose which path you'll take comes closer,

you must decide...

whether you'd like to break loose from the world,

or get sucked into the immitation, 

not even able to see yourself anymore.

and day after day,

the figure that was once you,...

is now a shadow of a stranger.

You'll live on

and you'll believe that that blatant form you see IS you,...

but it's not,

it's not anything anymore, 

"You" does not exsist anymore, you're just another person,

another thing,

another object,

still barely alive in this world full of many people just the same.

But if you choose the opposing path,

it'll be complicated...

but you'll truly break free from the world,

you'll learn to soar when you want to,

not when others command you to,

and all the negativity that crept up into you,

that tried to take control of you, 

will be locked up,

safe and sound,

inside of you, and you'll be sure to keep it that way.

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