Club feild trip (Oka Ruto x reader)

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Oka Ruto x reader

You were the small, innocent, outgoing girl at school. Too fragile to join the martial arts club; too nice to join the occult club; too untalented to join the cooking club; and too popular to join the lamer or lesser known clubs.

In the end it was the occult club's leader who convinced you to join the club. She wasn't traditionally beautiful, but she looked perfect to you. It's an odd thing to say, but you were obsessed with the way she smells, like flowers, but also like an old library at the same time, those two smells mixed together oddly smells better than them on their own.

You were gonna ask Oka if you could join the occult club, since it's mandatory to be part of a club to graduate. Of course she was gonna say you can, she probably can't deny anyone unless they've got a bad school reputation. Though Oka would probably be willing to let anyone in at this point, all the other members left because they thought Oka was the killer. You knew Oka wouldn't do anything like that, even though she started an occult club and tried to summon demons, she wouldn't kill anyone. She's actually really sweet.

You peeked behind the door to the occult club, Oka was sitting in the candles alone, reading some demon ritual book. She looked up and noticed you, giving you a shy but sincere smile. You walked over to her, your steps echoing in the empty room.

"I'd like to join the club." You said as you sat down in front of her.

"Are you sure? You're not scared that I could kill you?" Oka really seemed to want to be by herself. But you made up your mind, this is the club you want to join.

"You're not a murderer. I know that. Everyone's just saying that because you run a club about demons." You started rambling on, you didn't really know what to say, you had practiced this so many times but it was so hard to talk when she was staring at you.

"Alright.... I-I uhh thought you said demons weren't really your thing." Oka reminded you. She had asked you to join her club before, you didn't want to tell her that you were scared of her and her club so you just said that demons didn't interest you much.

"Well. You have to go out of your comfort zone, right?" You laughed nervously. Oka laughed nervously and gave you a small smile.

"Umm. It's not exactly club activity time... So we can talk for a bit..." Oka said nervously. She doesn't really talk to many people, she only ever talked to the members of her club.

The two of you ended up talking about the kinds of shows you watch. You watch more of the "not much goes wrong but still a bit of drama" kind of shows and a lot of hospital shows. Oka watches more morbid shows that are also kind of scary. It was fun to talk about your shows, even if Oka didn't understand anything about it. And you listened intently to what Oka had to say about her shows.

"Umm. Do you want to go walk around t-town?... We can do... Stuff that people who walk around town do..." Oka asked awkwardly.

"I thought it was time for club activities." You said a bit sarcastically. Oka got up and grabbed you hand to pull you up with her.

"Well I guess we're going on a club feildtrip then."


You stared at Oka's ice cream cone (yes. Even though it's the middle of the winter, the two of you got ice cream).

"Hehe.. Shoulda go strawberry..." Oka mocked in her normal raspy voice. You frowned at her and looked down at your half-eaten vanilla ice cream.

"But at the time I wanted vanilla... Do you wanna switch?" You smiled sweetly. Trying to convince Oka to trade ice cream with you.

You tried to grab the ice cream but accidentally knocked it out of Oka's hands. Everything played out in slow motion, like a movie or something. Oka gasped dramatically and fell back slightly into your arms, clutching her heart.

"I... I...." Oka stuttered and stayed in your arms for a few minutes, you couldn't even speak, you didn't expect her to care that much. Then she continued "I'm... Starting... To think I should've taken a drama class."

You were about to slap Oka. You thought she was legitimately heartbroken. She had an awkward laugh and a small smile. You dropped your ice cream and hugged Oka tightly.

"Hey... ________... I was j-just joking... I-I'm not actually upset..." Oka awkwardly wrapped her arms around you.

"Please don't do that again. I thought I hurt your feelings and I don't want to do that. So please just don't..." You went on a mini rant while still not letting go of Oka.

"I'm sorry. I won't do that again." Oka slowly let go of you.

"Thank you. And I'm sorry I knocked over your ice cream... I didn't mean to..." You mumbled.


A week or two went by and the police caught the murderer, Kokona.

They found fee fingerprints on a knife that was used to kill one of the students at school. You were just thankful that no one still thought that Oka was the murderer. Luckily, Oka easily forgives people and doesn't hold grudges, and all the members of her club joined again.

As for you, you joined the art club, you really liked making art, even if sometimes it doesn't turn out like you thought it would, it's still fun for you to see what you can think up. Also, no big deal or anything (sarcasm can been seen through the screen if you look close enough), but you and Oka started dating. The whole ice cream thing technically counts as your first unofficial date, but your real first date is tomorrow, which you're very excited about.

You walked with Oka from the school over to her house, since her's was on the way to your house. You waved at her as she walked up her driveway.

You felt like now, nothing could go wrong.
A/n: does anyone else really want yanderedev to make Oka a raging homosexual or is that just me?

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