"I can't pause this, it's an online game" (Pippi Osu x reader)

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Pippi Osu x reader

You came to school bright and early on a Monday morning with a mission. You were going to make Pippi, or more commonly referred to as the weird girl from the computer lab, get off her computer. She never gets off the computer, it's actually kind of scary...

You crept into the computer lab. She was sitting in the same spot as she always does, in the corner. Honestly, the corner is the best place to sit anywhere though, pretty much everyone can agree on that. Corners are the one place where you can just watch people and no one looks back at you. Except Pippi wasn't looking at other people, she was looking at the computer screen, whatever new game she got and will probably finish that day.

You grabbed a chair from the row behind her and pulled it up to sit right behind her. You pulled out your phone and started playing anime openings (because let's be honest everyone's a mild weeabo on the inside.) not even a reaction. She didn't look back or even flinch. So you turned the volume up to full, still nothing.

"Hey, what game are you playin-- oh my god! There's a fire!" You screamed and tried to get Pippi to look up. Still nothing. You sighed and thought of something else you could say that would get Pippi to look up.

You pretended to fall off your chair, you screamed and knocked over a chair. Pippi didn't look up, like you expected. But you were still determined to break her attention from her video game. Her concentration was kind of scary. It could have actually been a fire, or you could have actually fallen off your chair and hurt yourself, but it's probably because you have such bad acting skills (even though you're in the drama club).

"I heard that everyone has to hand in a bunch of stuff today or they're gonna get suspended. Maybe you should check to see if you have it?" You couldn't even think of something that would need to be handed-in. You're the worst actor in the history of bad actors. Pippi didn't even flinch at what you said.

Then you started quoting memes, hoping she would laugh or something. No matter how dank your memes were, Pippi didn't laugh, or even smile. She just concentrated on her game.

"Hey, Pippi? I heard that Ryuto has a crush on you. You had a crush on him in like September, right?" You said as if it wasn't obvious he had a crush on her, the only thing was that you got jealous of it. For a while you thought it was because you liked Ryuto, but you figured out it was because you like Pippi. But they didn't like each other at the same time, thank god. Otherwise they probably would've started dating. You could've swore you saw Pippi flinch.

You started just watching her play her game. You didn't really have anything else to say. Well, you had one more thing you could say but you didn't exactly want to say it because Ryuto was sitting close enough to hear you and would probably run over and smack you. He was really jealous of about anyone even talking to Pippi, so if you said what you were thinking to Pippi, he would probably murder you. And plus, you're like 99% sure he knows you like Pippi, so you're just thankful he wasn't attacking you for just talking to her. If you said this it could either go horribly wrong or it would go good. Whatever, fuck it.

"Kiss me." You said to Pippi. Pippi paused her game and got up from her chair. She grabbed your shoulders and brought her face close to your's. She kissed you for an unfortunately short amount of time, when she pulled away she smiled at you.


Since you were in the year under Pippi, the only time you were able to see her during the day was before school, during lunch, after school, and the occasional time that the gym classes played sports together. You would talk with her a bit before school and joined the video game club so you could hang out with her after school. You also forced her to eat lunch with you in the little garden area-thingy with the fountain. The two of you were honestly really cute together. On multiple occasions, other people eating in the garden place-thingy would tell you that you're their otp or that they ship you, and the normal people just say that you're a really cute couple. 

"See, isn't it nice to go outside and get fresh air instead of staying in front of a computer all day?" You smiled, sitting down on the grass. Pippi sat down next to you and put her arm around you.

"I don't go on a computer all day, I sleep sometimes, too." Pippi defended herself, you laughed a bit and rolled your eyes. You tried to sneakily pull out a chocolate bar from your pocket and take a bite.

"Hey, if I'm not allowed computer-time at lunch, you're not allowed to have chocolate." Pippi saw your chocolate bar and grabbed it from your hands, throwing it into the nearby garbage can. You stared at her, then the garbage can. Pippi just smiled innocently at you and continued eating her food. She takes proving her point very seriously. Even though most people think she's weird or some sort of hermit, you think she's adorable and that's all that matters.

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