Open ocean (Mermaid AU! Yui Rio x reader)

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Mermaid AU! Yui Rio X reader

The cave was the only home any of us have ever had, it's been like that for too many generations to count. It's a large underwater cave with a coral reef in front of it. There was a rule that you couldn't leave the reef. Well, it was either a rule or just something that everyone did. You couldn't remember anymore. The last person to leave was in a lot of trouble as soon as she got back, so everyone just stayed because they didn't want to get in trouble. That and the fact that there are hundreds and hundreds of terrifying fish that are just waiting to eat small helpless mermaids like yourself.

You woke up to see light peeking out of the entrance of the dark cave. You looked around and saw that everyone was asleep and mentally cursed yourself for waking up so early. The first five awake have to do chores. As you were leaving the cave, you made sure to grab the container full of plankton. You swam out to the middle of the reef and opened up the container, watching the plankton float out of the container and into the water surrounding you. You watched all the brightly coloured fish started to slowly swim towards you and their food.

"All these beautiful fish, and you're still the prettiest thing in this reef." Yui Rio said while watching you from behind a rock. You turned around quickly, causing the fish to get startled and swim back to the coral as quickly as they could. You gave Yui an annoyed look as she smirked and swam over to you. The scales from her crimson tail glimmered from the sunlight. You assumed that the same was happening with your black one but you and Yui were just staring at each other. It wasn't awkward. It was more of you giving her a death stare and her looking really pleased with herself. You got tired of just giving her a Death stare and questioned her on why she wasn't doing her chores. "Don't you have to do your chores?"

"Nope. I was sixth to wake up." Yui said smugly and grabbed your arms, pulling you further from the centre of the reef and closer to huge drop in the sea floor. You shoved her hands off and swam back over to where you had let out all the plankton. You swam I behind the fish to (quite unsuccessfully) hide from Yui. When the fish had finished eating and cleared off you saw Yui on the other side with her arms crossed.

"Come on, I promise you you won't get hurt. Well go for a few minutes then we'll come right back. No one has to know." Yui tried to convince you to go with her. Everyone knew that Yui had gone into the open ocean multiple times. Some people say she even made peace with sharks, but that's what people say about Ayano too and she's normal so that shows how far dumb rumours go. It wasn't really that you were scared, well, you were, but you also didn't want people to start saying those rumors about you. Because you had heard first hand how terrible and nasty people can be with rumors, though you weren't better.

"Or... We could just play with the smol fishes." You turned your attention from Yui to a small tropical fish that was slowly swimming over to you. Yui swam over and tried to grab the fish. You looked at her angrily as the fish swam away from the two of you. You watched in disappointment as the fish disappear into the distance.

"Why can't you just try something new?" Yui resumed trying to convince you to leave. You crossed your arms agrily. This would be, what? The fifth time you answered that question. To say that you were starting to get annoyed by that question was a little bit of an understatement. 

"Why can't you just appreciate what we have?" You mocked her. She glared at you and you have her the most sickly sweet smile you could. Out of nowhere,  Yui grabbed you by the end of your tail and dragged you over to the dark, open ocean. Yui had let go of your tail but you were already really far away from the reef. You panicked and hugged onto Yui, hiding your face in the crook of her neck. Yui rubbed your back and waited for you to calm down.

"See it's not that bad." Yui let go of you and slowly floated away from you. You looked around and saw nothing. Well, nothing except the huge fish swimming underneath you two. That was the scariest part about the open ocean, not the sharks, though they are really scary, not the loneliness of being in absolute nothingness, though that is a close second. The idea that anything can be under you. That's the scariest thing. Well, that and how much trouble you'd get in if you got caught.

"Fuck you." You tried not to look down so you could at least be a bit calm. You actually surprisingly got completely calm and actually started to enjoy being in the open. You and Yui started racing each other in a really non competitive way, just trying to have fun. You won most of them but you weren't one to brag. Once you and Yui took a break from the racing, she looked over at you and started thinking.

"Hey, we should get away from that place." Yui suggested. At first you didn't think she was serious, she couldn't be. She expected you to leave everything behind just to go travel around the open ocean with her. No matter how fun it sounded, it was completely crazy, and also really dangerous. Yui lightly held you by your shoulders and gently pressed her lips onto your's. You were so distracted by the kiss that you didn't know that the others were looking for you. When you did realize it, you knew you had to decide quick. Yui told you that she would leave with or without you. Was going with her worth leaving everything else behind, more importantly was staying worth more than Yui?

A/N: if you don't like me and want me to rewrite it then just tell me. Also I tried to leave it up to interpretation on if the reader stays or leaves with Yui. Also... can mermaids even talk?

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