LEROOOOOYY JENKIINNNS (Midori Gurin x reader)

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Midori Gurin x reader

Ah, online games. The games themselves are great and are extremely entertaining. However, the people are entertaining for a different reason, whether it's because of how salty they are or how toxic they are, the community of a game is always full with trolls and try hards, and all of these get worse when teamspeak is on. Out of all the games with disgustingly triggered people when you "take their kill", the game with the most of those people, along with the most of the trolls would be League of Legends, so obviously you decided to play it.

You cued for ranked, when the majority of 40 year old men living in their parents basements were. Your cue took seven minutes, faster than normal honestly. When you got into the champion selection screen you heard said 40 year old men trying to figure out who should play as which champion.

"Uhh I could go ADC if you want." You said awkwardly, trying to speak over the guys yelling. They all stopped for a few seconds and you swore you could hear one of them whisper "dude... It's a girl..."

"Oo, oo. Can I lane with you?!" A high pitched voice practically screamed into your headphones. Before anyone could say anything, the girl who had just screeched into her microphone auto-locked Poppy. This game was going to be over real fast, and it was not going to go as well as you'd hoped. The rest of your team chose their champions, you chose (idk I also don't really care you can decided for yourself).

The first few minutes went well, apart from the creepy guys in the call asking if you and the other girl could make out or something, which was probably just about the dumbest thing you've ever been asked. You and this girl were actually ok in lane together, but mainly because you were carrying, not to brag or anything. You hadn't died yet, which was surprising because you were kind of getting a bit cocky with your kills and stopped actually trying.

"Oh shit. I barely fucking survived that." You said as you quickly hurried away from the now finished fight where you had killed three of the enemy players after they killed three of your's. You hid inside the jungle and started to back, taking your hands off you keyboard and mouse to push a few stray hairs away from your face. That's when one of the enemy players found you and killed you.

"Don't worry, I'll avenge you!... mIDORIIIIIII GURIIIIINNNNNNNN!!!" (Yes that's a reference to Leroy Jenkins) the other girl on your team yelled and ran into the jungle at half health, dying a few seconds later. Welp. That move made your team lose the game and you got to see some of that classic saltiness and toxicity. 40 year old men telling two teenage (well you assumed that she was also a teenager) girls on the Internet. Don't you just love online games?

During the game, you and Midori had actually exchanged a lot of fandom jokes and had become pretty good friends considering that you only knew each other for like twenty minutes. You added each other to your friends lists and exchanged skype so that you could talk again, though the majority of the time when you do that you never end up talking to that person ever again. You didn't expect her to call you on skype the moment you added her but she did and obviously you picked up. Her video was one so you put your's on too so you didn't seem sketchy. She was actually really pretty, she had her green hair tried up, presumably so that it wouldn't get in the way while she was playing the game. Which actually wasn't a bad idea considering that your team lost because you got distracted by hairs in your face.

"Oh my god when I video called you I didn't expect you to be that cute!.... Sorry." Midori gasped when she saw you. You smiled and laughed awkwardly, trying to hide your reddening face behind those same pieces of hair that made you lose the game, yes you keep thinking about that you will never live down that mistake.

"Umm so, uhh hi." You didn't know what to say to her, you were really bad talking to people. You mental cursed yourself for saying something really stupid. But she seemed to be amused by how flustered you were getting, evident by her giggle and her smile getting wider. Basically you both were on your phones for the majority of the rest of the call, reading out the dank fandom memes to each other. You looked back up from your phone and saw that her window was pitch black, which it probably was before but you were just really bad at noticing obvious things. "Oh.. Yo, what time is it?"

"Uhh like two in the morning." Midori shrugged and said looking off somewhere in her room which you assumed she was looking at an alarm clock. You looked at the clock on your phone and it was a different time than what she said. You then realized she was just in a different time zone than you.

"Wait. But it's a Wednesday...." You said after a long pause.


"And there's school tomorrow."


She was willing to stay up until like three am on a weeknight. She's perfect. How did you manage to get a crush on a girl you've know for like two hours?

A/n: sorry if I reminded you guys that school's almost over with that school mention. But what am I supposed to do? Give a trigger warning??? Anyway I basically just remembered that Midori is in the gaming club and I just imagined her as that Leroy Jenkins guy. So that's basically the only plot for this.

-= Lesbian Yandere Simulator reader inserts =-Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant