Ass (Mai Waifu x reader)

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Mai Waifu X reader

You were standing in a circle with your group of friends next to your best friend, Musume. They were all talking about some boy band or something, y'know, normal teenage girl conversations. But you kept thinking about the magenta haired girl who sat next to you in class. You haven't really told anyone about your "small" crush on her, mainly because you thought that it would be over soon and you would start liking boys. The one problem with that though, you fell for her hard. And it doesn't seem like it's going to go away.

"What do you think, _____________?" Musume asked. She probably noticed that you were staring off into space so she asked for your opinion on whatever they were fighting about now. Quick do something, they're all staring. You though and just nodded. You must have looked like an idiot, it was pretty obvious by the weird looks they all gave you. But it worked non the less, they all looked away from you and continued their conversation. Queer girl: 1. Straight girls: 0. You went back to thinking about her, her beautiful long hair... Her adorable face.... Dat ass... Everything about her was perfect to you.

You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard the bell ring and everyone started to head to their classes. You got to class and sat in your normal seat, right beside Mai Waifu. After the teacher started writing on the black board you blanked out, just staring at Mai Waifu and imagining what it would be like to date her. You only got broken out of your trance-like state when you noticed that Mai Waifu was staring back at you, no, she was talking to you...??

"Can I borrow a pencil, I forgot mine at home." Mai Waifu asked while giving you a slight smile. You nodded and scrambled to get to your bag and get out your pencil case. You handed her one of your pencils and you exchanged awkward smiles and she took it and started writing down notes in her notebook. Everything she did was somehow perfect when she did it. Honestly she could actually murder someone in the most brutal and disgusting way ever and you would still think she was hot. She was just that perfect. Anyway, vicious murder aside, she was perfect to you. What you didn't know though was that you were perfect to her, too.

When it was lunchtime, you met up with Musume at the back of the school. She was smoking, of course. No matter how many times you told her to stop and that it would end up killing her one day. You and Musume were trading food with each other, both of you always got food that the other liked more. You heard the bell signalling that lunch was over and you saw Mai Waifu walk by you on her way to gym she even smelt perfect, you only got a bit of her scent as she walked by but it was still enough to distinguish the smell, she smelt like lilacs and honey.

"Damn. They gotta make lunch longer." Musume shook her head as the two of you walked behind Mai Waifu to go to the gym changing room. While everyone was changing you were lowkey trying to look at Mai Waifu without anyone noticing. Thank god no one noticed you, it was actually a really creepy thing to do now that you think about it. Anyway, when you got to the actual gym, the teacher was already yelling at you all to run laps. After that was all over, you had to play dodgeball, eww. Dodgeball was the worst. Actually any and every sport is the worst. The two team captains were Musume and Mai Waifu. Obviously Musume already had dibs on you, at least you thought.

"___________." Mai Waifu's voice rang through your head. She picked you first. You honestly felt honoured. Though Musume looked at her with a really disgusted face, you were still happy that she chose you before everyone else. You walked over to Mai Waifu with your head down, trying to hide the ever so prominent blush on your face. The dodgeball game went alright, I mean, your team did win, but you kept sacrificing yourself so that Mai Waifu wouldn't be hit by any of the balls. It honestly seemed like some cliché thing from a white teenage girl movie, but besides that, Mai Waifu thanked you every time and laughed a bit, too. She has such a cute laugh. How do you achieve such a level of perfectness? It's not humanly possible to have no flaws. She was just so fucking perfect and cute in every way ever. Like ?????

After gym you had one more short class before it was the end of the day. You took your seat, next to Mai Waifu of course, and the entire time you were thinking about what you and Mai Waifu would do for your first date. Before you knew it, class was over. When you got out of class, Musume was already waiting for you by the door. The two of you were walking behind Mai Waifu as she suddenly tripped. And there it was, Mai Waifu's skirt flew up and it was directly in front of you.

You saw Mai Waifu's ass.

Well, you saw her panties but the ass was closer than ever before. You hadn't really realized that you were staring at her that much until Musume was trying to say something to you.

"Help her up will you." Musume said and gestured to Mai Waifu. You could hear her but you couldn't look at her. You were captivated by the booty, the booty.

"___________ you useless lesbian." Musume rolled her eyes and helped Mai Waifu up. Well there was no lies in that sentence.

A/n: this story wasn't supposed to be as dank and memey as it turned out to be.... :/

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