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"Morning Mom." I say coming down the stairs. I know she's sitting at the table, in her regular spot. I walk into the kitchen to find her there with that guy. They both looked as if they were in deep thought. "I'll leave," I turn on my heel to go. "Wait, Kellin, come here." Mom said. I walk backwards into the kitchen. "Yes?" I ask. "Get dressed we're all going to eat breakfast at IHOP." she says. I nod, and run to my room. I plug my phone up to the speaker, and start blasting music while I get dressed.

Twenty minuets later I was all dressed. I turned off my music, put my headphones around my neck, I grab my wallet, and put my phone in my back pocket. "Ready," I say. "Alright let's go." They both stand up. I walk out the door, and plug my headphones into my phone. I put one headphone on until we get into the car. When everyone is in, we pullout of the driveway, then we make our way to IHOP.

When we get there, we all walked inside, and had to wait for a few minuets before we were finally seated. I take a sip of my drink and I feel a tap on my shoulders. I turn around to see Melanie, Jenna and Tay. "Hey guys!!" I stand up and hug all of them. "We were gonna ask if you wanted to meet us here, but you beat us." Melanie laughed. "Aw man really? Just came here with my mom and uh... her boyfriend?" I laugh.

"Well we're all hanging out today if you want to come." Tay suggest. "Yeah, I'll leave with you guys, I'm free all day." I laugh. "That's totally cool, and if you can you can come eat with us." Jenna says.

"My mom probably won't let me, she's the eat with the family type of woman." I whisper. "Ahh okay, we'll tell you if we're leaving before you." I nod. "Okay, and text me." Melanie says before they all walk away. I sit down, and sigh in happiness. I'm not gonna be alone all day!! "Who were those girls?" Mom ask. "My best friends, if Andy were there to complete the set, then all my best friends would be there." I say. "When did you meet them?" she ask. "When I first came to school." I say.

"Those two girls are awfully close." she chuckled. "Well yeah, they're together." I say. "Aw, that's cute! Speaking of together, found anyone yet?" She ask. "Well there is this guy...." I trail off. "G- ow!" The stranger started. "Ooh, tell me about him." Mom says. "He's Melanie's brother, I just kinda found that out. Hot, really really hot." I say. "Do you have a picture?" she ask. "I'll have to go on Instagram." I say. I find Vic's Instagram, and click on one of his pictures, then I show Mom.

"Have you guys talked??" she asked. "No, I've been too scared too.." I say. "Well stop being scared!! Wait, does he seem sweet to the people he dates?" she ask. "From what I heard, yeah." I say. "Okay good, well you need to get your flirt game up honey!" Mom says. I laugh, "okay."


I hum in happiness after I take the last bite of my waffles. "Thank you Mom." I thank her. "Don't thank me, thank Hank." she says. I'm guessing that's Mr. Stranger. "Thank you." I smile kindly. "Your welcome." He smiles back. "Okay, well I think I'm gonna go with the girls." I say. I start to stand up. "Wait, Kell I have something to tell you." Mom says. I sit back down, "What is it?" I ask. "Well he does." She says. I look at Hank.

"So Kellin, this may be shocking but," he sighs, "I'm your father." he says. My eyes widen, and my heart starts to race. "What?" I ask. "I know it sounds crazy, but It's true."

Why now? I'm almost a fucking adult and he pops up now? I could feel my eyes start to tear up. "And you just decide to pop up in my life like this? I'm sixteen now? It took you this long?? If you didn't want to be apart of my life then, why now? You weren't there... " I put my face in my hands, and then run my hand through my hair. "I'm sorry, I don't know how to deal with this." I get up and leave, going to the girls table. "Hey K- Whats wrong?" Melanie gets up. "I'll tell you later can we leave?" I ask.

"Okay, um here's for my food." she puts money on the table. "Jen give me the keys we'll be in the car waiting." Melanie says. Jenna nods, and we start to walk. "Kellin wait." Hank says, reaching for me. "No," I shake my head, yanking my arm away. I continue walking with Melanie. We get into the backseat of the car. "What happened in there?" Mel ask. "That guy my mom was with.." I trail off. "What about him?" she ask.

"I just found out he is my father..." I say. "Why are you crying then Kell?" she ask. "He wasn't there... the sixteen years of my life he wasn't there. What makes now so special?" I ask. "Maybe he has a legit reason for it Kell." she says. "How?" I ask. "You just never know." She says. I think for a moment, looking down at my lap. That's true, but he wasn't there. He wasn't there for my birthdays, he wasn't there when I took my first steps, or my first giggle. He wasn't there then so why now? I guess there's only one way to find out.

I texted my mom and told her to meet us at the house with him. The girls tagged along, and while we were waiting Andy came over too. "So can I kill this guy or what?" Andy asked. "No," I chuckled. We heard the door open, and it went silent. Mom, and Hank peered through the door. "Hello, everyone." Mom smiled. Everyone smiled back and said "hi".

Mom sat down, and Hank sat next to her. "So please explain to me why now would be a great time to pop up instead of earlier." I say. "Well, I was scared to be a father back then." he says. "Everyone's scared their first time. How do you think mom felt when she was the one pregnant and alone. You left her to do it all by herself." I said. "I'm so sorry." He apologizes. "For...?" I want him to apologize for everything.

"For leaving you," he says to Mom, then turns to me, "And not being there, I'm especially sorry for that. I just think...." he trails off. "You think what?" Mom ask. "You would have turned out so much better. You would've turned out manlier, look manlier. I mean you cried when I told you about me, and you're g-" Mom cut him off, back handing him.

"You don't get to talk about my son that way. You don't even get to judge him. I think he would have turned out the same with or without you. I love him the way he is, and you're definitely not his dad if you can't. You know what, I'm glad you weren't there now because you probably would have treated him like shit for it. Then we would have left anyways, because I'm not gonna let anyone treat my baby like that. Now get out of my house and stay away from my son." She pointed to the door. "Come o-"

"Did you hear what she said? Leave!" Andy said. "Kellin come with m-"

I cut him off, "Oh hell no. You any say things like that about me and expect me to come with you. I love it here, and I'd rather stay with Mom because she loves and accepts me. Get the fuck out." I say. "If you don't leave I'll call the cops." Mom said. He sighed angrily, and stood up. "One d-"

"Get the hell out no one cares." Andy ran to the door pushed hank and shut the door. "Sorry he was getting on my nerves." Andy apologizes. "Don't apologize, he was getting on mine too. Thank you for that." Mom thanks Andy. Andy smiles. "You guys can leave now if you want." she chuckled. "I love you Mom." I hug her, and kiss her cheek. "I love you too Kellin." she smiles. Even though we've been through a lot, I don't know what I'd do without my mom.


I'm sorrrrrrrry it tooks so long!! I love you my Darlings and here's that chapter! Please forgive me if its poorly written :cc

Goal: 200 ❤

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