Chapter One

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     "First day of your new school, Nicole," My sister shouts from the kitchen. "Come on, or I'll have to come up there!" I groan and bury my face in my soft tan blankets, wishing to just drown her voice out and slip back into my land of slumber. Just five more minutes... "Nicole!" My sister sighs, sounding exasporated, from the doorway. I jump at her sudden voice, which makes me lose my balence, teeter at the edge of the matress, and fall with a plop to the floor. How long had she been standing there? "Come on, Nicolette, you're going to miss the first day of Elements Academy."

      Elements Academy. The school for gifted kids. Kids with abilities to summon a single Element, and on really rare occasions, more than one. The Elements are Fire, Water, Air or Earth. There are also in between elements that are even more rare than the Main Four. These are known as Half-Elements. Dust, Mist, Smoke and Ice. Then, the rarest of them all. Special Elements, rightfully called so. These include Frost, Metal, Tense and Color.

     There used to be people with elements everywhere, but over time, our numbers became smaller and smaller. Now, only about one in every twenty people have Elements, in the human world.

      My name is Nicolette Finch, but others call me Nicole. I'm thirteen, and I have black hair and green eyes. My Element is Fire. I found that out when I got angry at my hairdrier and my hair caught fire. But being the lucky little Fire Elemental I am, it didn't burn, and put itself out almsot as quickly as I managed to get it started. Pretty embarrassing way to find your Element, if you ask me...

     So yeah. That's me. Now on with the story.

    "Fine, Erika, just get out of my room," I reply with a slight huff as she smiles triumphantly in my direction. I watch her with a sour expression as she walks out the door. With a sigh, I peel myself off the floor, and throw on a green shirt and jeans. Then, making my way to the bathroom, I put my hair up in a ponytail, before joining my older sister in the kitchen.

  Erika had already graduated Elements Academy some time back, and is now of age to use her Element freely. At the age of twenty-one, she'd graduated three years ago. Like everybody in my family, her Element is Fire. We're all pureblooded Fire Elementals. But I live in her house, with her. We no longer have parents.

      Our parents had both died in a car crash when I was little, and I and Erika had both been with the sitter, oblivious to what had happened until we recieved the call in the middle of the night from the hospital. And by that point they were already gone.

     I give a long sigh, and plop down in a chair. Erika places a plate of bacon in front of me with a smirk. Curious, I stare at the food, then snort in exaspotarion. "Come on, Erika, it's undercooked."

     "It isn't like you can heat it up, can you?" She teases.

     I cross my arms. "Even if I could, I'm not allowed to use my element until I pass Elements Academy. This isn't funny, Erika, and I'm hungry."

     My older sister sighs, and flips a strand of dirty blond hair out of her face. "Fine." She says, making her way over to me. "But you're no fun." I expect her to put the bacon in the microwave or something, but instead she takes her own plate, and plops down beside me, closing her brown eyes in consentration.

     I feel the air around her heat up, and when she opens her eyes, she stares at my food. In mere seconds, the plate of bacon is sizzling and well-done. I hate it when she does that. Showing off all the time. Normally, elementals would have to conduct the power of their element with their hands, like pointing at the object you want to set flame to for example. But when you're good enough, you can use your element simply with your mind, as Erika does.

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