Chapter Twenty-One

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     "C'mon!" I whisper to Chloe, as we sneak out into the night. The cobblestone paths and freshly mowed grass are illuminated by the lights all around. We carefully sneak from the Girls Dorms, and make sure to avoid Headmistress Linzey's office, for I notice light in the windows, behind the curtains. Being caught by Linzey would be one of the worst things to happen in this kind of situation.

     As I round the corner, and face the Demon Forest, I walk into the shadowed woods without hesitation, Chloe never daring to be left very far behind. What's hidden behind the school? That's the thought that helps me to ignore the strange noises and scuffling around us as we press on. I once hear the unmistakable caw of a strange bird in the distance, which Chloe edges a bit closer to me after. 

     I'd explained to her about the journal. About what's said to be hidden out here, behind the school. I remain in the lead as we push our way through the tall, prickly grass and greenery to round the clearing toward the school. Once arriving behind it, we take to the trees and greenery, and head deeper into the forest in search of whatever the journal was talking about.

     It isn't long before the sounds begin. The grass to the right side of us moves like a something is moving it. No wind is present. Heart starting to speed up in my chest, I grab Chloe's arm and quicken my steps, which she's happy to copy. A moment later, I hear the unmistakable sounds of footfalls behind us and freeze. "Did you hear that?" I ask Chloe in a squeaky voice.

     She nods silently, her blue eyes darting back and forth, like she doesn't want to dare to turn around. Swallowing hard, I gather my courage to turn around and look. Very slowly, I do, to come face-to-face with... A face.

     "Ah!" I yelp, the moment my green gaze meets Nocturna's yellow one. Chloe whirls around at the sound of distress, to see Nocturna standing behind us as well, her pale arms crossed over her chest, and a dark eyebrow raised in silent question. My friend makes some kind of stranged gasping sound, and takes a step back.

     "What are you two doing out here?" Nocturna asks calmly, studying us with a probing cat-like gaze. She shifts her weight onto one leg, staring back at us unblinkingly. 

     All at once I remember the journal, and anger settles into the pit of my stomach. Letting go of Chloe, and snapping out of my previous state of shock, I glare daggers at the Evil Elemental. "Why did you rip out the important pages of my journal?"

     She looks very confused, uncrossing her arms to stare at me flatly. "Why would I be going through your things? I didn't touch your journal."

      "Then who did?" 

     She throws her arms up in obvious exasperation. "How should I know?"

     I snort. "Whatever," I turn around to continue on, only to hear Nocturna following us. Deciding to ignore her, I stay in the lead, suddenly grateful for Chloe being here to separate me and Nocturna. The moon shows in jagged beams between the trees. 

     One thing that I've noticed about the Demon Forest, is that it seems to have its own chill. It's always a bit cooler inside the Demon Forest, than on the campus. Another thing I've noticed is that the leaves are a deeper green color than any tree's leaves that I'd ever seen before, being so dark they're almost black. It always seems chillingly dark in here, even in the day.

      "That's probably why the Demon Forest is forbidden." Nocturna states, making me realize I must have spoken some of my thoughts out loud. "Not to mention that this place is infested with different kinds of demonic animals."

     Chloe speaks up. "Like what you turned into?"

     Nocturna shrugs as we continue on. "Kind of. I'm an Evil Elemental. We're different from you  normal Elementals."

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