Chapter Four

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     Ugh. I shouldn't have ordered pickles on my burger. I shouldn't have ordered burger on my burger. I push away my half-eaten hockey puck, and cast a sidelong glance at Chloe. My best friend is knawing on her piece of cooked leather, before finally tossing it aside too. "Urg!" She complains. "The food here isn't edible! I can only hope that they serve better food at the café then in this joint."

     I laugh. "It has the same school food, I'll give it that." I sip my soda - one of the things I've ordered that I can keep down, and eye Amber, who's planted herself at the very end of our table. The Heads sit at either end of the table labled for the element, and the males and females mix in the middle. I watch Amber as she merely gives her salad a sidelong glace before rumaging through her books, and pulling out a thick copy of "Defence Against the Elements."

     Only a few moments later, a lady appears at the front, where the teachers sit, and raises both hands to her sides for silence. With the Heads' help, we all quiet down at once. I look the lady up and down. Older, with black, graying hair pulled back in a tight bun. Her features are welcoming, with kind blue eyes and a tall thin form. Then she speaks.

     "Welcome, first years, to Elements Academy!" She begins. "And if you're returning, welcome back. We're glad to have you at our school for gifted children. I am Headmistress Lindzy." Her face takes on a slightly embarrassed smile as she continues, all sighs on her. "I apologize for the food. I'd hoped you'd have better food at our first feast together, but we've had a slight back up in the kitchen." 

     "Last of all, due to new arragements, classes begin for first years the day after tomorrow instead of the recent time." She spreads her arms in a welcoming gesture, wearing a warm smile. "But again, I welcome you all to your second home, and I hope you have a great year with us."

     All at once, everybody begins to clap, as the Headmistress takes her seat beside a male teacher with deep brown hair and a grim expression, but he claps anyway. Even Amber looks up from her paperwork long enough to smile. With a start, I realize that is the first time I'd seen Amber smile. She seems like a girl that's teetering on the edge of angry and mean, and kind and sweet. When everybody quiets down, I watch as she picks up her quill again, and I hear the sound of it scratching the paper again.

     "Nicole?" Chloe looks at me with bright eyes. "Do you have anything planned after dinner?"

     I have to think this question over, there's so much I want to do right now, but my eyelids tell me otherwise. "Nah, I think I'll just get to bed." I smile at the look of complete disbelief Chloe gives me. "Hey, early to bed, early to rise makes one healthy, wealthy and wise!"

     Chloe just rolls her eyes, blowing a strand of dark brown hair from her face. "You're no fun. I'm heading down to the stables, to ride for a bit. The horses are free for student use, you know." I nod, begining to shovel down my applesause. I know that I need something to run off from until breakfast tomorrow morning.


     After the hassle of getting out of the Big Hall alive, I make my way to the door only to see that it's pouring outside. Perfect. I watch as some third-year Water Elementals jog by, snickering as they all hold a single hand above their heads. The rain slides right off like an invisable shield is up around the kids. Times like this, I'm envious of the Water Elementals' abilities. 

     Sighing, and gathering up my courage as a Fire Elemental, I hold my breath and charge into the rain, not daring to stop until I reach the doors of the girls' dorm. I fling open the doors, and I'm met with the familliar golden sceneary and the spiral staircases. I charge up the correct staircase, and only hault when I reach the fourth floor. My floor. The Fire floor.

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