Chapter Eight

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     The rest of morning classes fly by in a blur. I'm too worried about what I've done to care much. At lunch, I avoid my group, and sit alone. At least the food is better today. Then, a girl joins me. She has long straight red hair and bright green eyes. She's tather tall and skinny with a dark freckles over her cheeks and nose, and she wears a smoke pin.

     "Hi," She says in a friendly tone, smiling at me. "I'm Eralyn. Eralyn Walters."

     I will myself to smile back. "Hi." I state. "I'm Nicole Finch."

     "Oh, yeah," She says, plopping down across from me. "I saw you in Mr. Abucurse's class. The cyborg guy? Not afraid to say that he gives me the willies."  She tells me, and we both laugh a bit at the joke. "Anyway," She says. "Do you like it here?"

     "Oh, yes." I reply, flickering my gaze from her to the window. "It's nice here, if you ask me."

     She nods, and I look back toward the window again, shoveling my food. Then, Eralyn speaks again. "Are you okay? You look worried about something." I choke on my food at the sudden question, then, after a bit of coughing, I shake my head.

     "Er... no. I'm good."

     "I'm not as stupid as you seem to think I am."  She says, raising her eyebrows.

     "Nothing... It's just..." Think of something, you idiot! " issues." Good enough. I look up at her again, but her face had taken on a look of sly glee.

     "No." She says. "I saw you sneak off into the Demon Forest. I know what's in there, and I know that you know too."

     I sigh. "How much do you know?"

     "That you set her free." Eralyn replies. "And that she's roaming the school grounds."

     "Promise not to tell!" I burst out before I can stop myself. "I don't know what to do!"

     "Relax," Eralyn puts a comfortaing hand lightly on my shoulder. "Maybe... the legend's not true for all like her." Clearly she'd heard Nocturna speaking to me... "Perhaps.... she's different. I hope she is. Who else knows?"

     "My friend Chloe." I reply gloomily.

     "That's it then?" She asks, and I nod. "Okay. Bring Chloe after school. We'll have to search for Nocturna."


     I'm nervous even as I enter Defence Against The Elements. Our teacher, Miss Wicken, is a petite woman with long straight dark brown hair pulled into a simple ponytail, and her eyes are blue. The first thing she does is pass around what looks like small fish-bowls.

     I notice mine has a small piece of paper in it. Others are empty, and some are like mine. Chloe stares at the paper in her bowl from beside me,  and to my other side is Eralyn, who has nothing in her glass bowl.

     I see that girl from the Ice Elemental group, Katrina, eyeing a small stone that lays in the center. The Ice and Earth Elementals haves stones, I realize. The Smoke and Mist Elementals have nothing in theirs.. I wonder what Miss Wicken is planning for us...

     "Alright," The teacher says in a kind but leader-like voice. "In front of you you each have a stone, a slip of paper or empty air. They're going to be your partners." I raise my eyebrow in question at the slip of paper before me as Miss Wicken goes on. "You're going to work on using your elements. Now," She pauses, eyeing every one  of us. "Don't be upset if you can't use your element right now. First years like yourselves need to work hard at it before getting results."

     Looking around, I realize that we, first years are the only ones in the room. This must be for first years only. Makes me wonder what class I'd have next year, as a second year here. Miss Wicken isn't through speaking yet, so I strain to hear her, regretting my choice of sitting in the back row. This class will teach me to use my element!

     "Focus on the object in the bowl. If you don't have one, then focus on the bowl itself. Feel the power of your element course through your body." She sits at her desk, where an empty bowl is waiting for her. We all watch in silence as she closes her eyes tightly. When she opens them again, the blue of her eyes are gleaming. She outstreaches one hand for demonstration, and a pool of water seems to pour itself into her palm. "Then let the power of your element free. Remember control, though." She warns. "Now you all try it. Go!"

      I nod silently and look through the glass at the piece of paper, staring intently at it, as if my eyes were zeroing in on the object. I will the power of fire to course through my viens. I feel a faint heat, then it's gone. I groan in frustration against the talking and whispering of the others in the room.

     I dare to cast a glamse at Chloe. She has her eyes fixed on the slip of paper, the blue part of her eyes seeming to get brighter. Without as much as blinking, Chloe slowly lifts her hand above the bowl. The paper begins to smolder, as do the blue parts of her eyes. They seem to be two rings of blue flames. The she blinks and continues to watch the slip of paper burn.

     I glance at the other Elementals. Katrina has both hands cupping the bowl, her hazel eyes frosty and hazey. Ice is slowly inching from her hands, inside of the bowl, freezing the stone inside completly solid.

     I look toward Eralyn, who's easily pouring smoke into the bown from her finger tips. Soon, it's gone into midair as she looses consentration to a book dropping.

     Erilys comes up with a handful of clean water, after one or two tries. That's when I heard the first bell ring for the fifth years. Soon, the Heads file inside to help us with our elements. I look around for Nyssa, the replacement for Amber, but instead, to my amazement, I see Amber herself. I blink in surprise. "Amber?"

     She turns around, and walks over to my desk, as if the whole thing with the dragon hadn't even happened. I shake my head. "How are you- I mean you're- I mean- You- We- I saw- Didn't that dragon-?"

     She smiles very slightly, before holding up a tiny glass slender bottle. "Burn mixture from Potions class. You'll start that tomorrow. Works almost like magic." She crouches down and stares at my piece of paper. "Need help?" 


     "Here." She places my hand palm-down over the top of the bowl. "Focus on your element, Nicole. Fire. It's not just warmth and heat. It's life. And life is a fragile thing. Feel the flames in your viens."  Amber closes her eyes and small flames shine brightly at the tips of her fingers. Then, with one swift motion, the fire's gone, and my trance is broken.

     I try again, screwing my eyes shut tightly, but also aware of Amber's unseen gaze burning into me. I feel that heat returning to me inch by inch. I open my eyes slightly to see Amber nodding slightly. A puff of smoke escapes my fingers, and I sigh. "Thanks anyway, Amber."

     "You're not giving up that easily, are you?" Amber blinks at me, her silver Head of Fire pin glinting in the light of the room. "Let me tell you something, Nicole." She pulls up a chair, and sits at the side od my desk. "I had problems with my element too, when I was a first year here."

     I blink. "Really?"

     "Yup." Amber smiles. "And the Head girl of Fire helped me out. I'll help you in the same way she'd helped me." I tilt my head. "Give me your hand." I out-streach my hand, palm up. A small flame comes to life on Amber's finger like a lighter. "Remember to focus." Then she rested her finger to my palm, keeping it there for a second, before removing it.

     I watch in amazement as the fire stays put in my hand, hovering just above my palm. Small vibrations come from the flame. "Wow..." I whisper. Amber smiles at me as I continue, my eyes wide with awe. "It's... it's like a little heartbeat..."

     Amber's smile grows. "Yes," She replies. "Like I said, fire is life. And just as fragile."


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