chapter 7

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Because Maria is coming over we left as soon as possible so Michael can't get to me after school. After about 15 minutes we are at my house. I can hear Rudolf barking. Once I open the door he stays stiff and I hear low growls from him. He's looking at Maria, and s he slowly walks up to him and let's him smell her hand.

"You're a good boy," Maria says in a baby talking voice. "Yes you are, yes you are!"

"I forgot Maria at 4:30 my parents are signing me up for boxing, " I say.

"Oh really, do you mind if I come I wanna join boxing, I'll ask my parents to the money then your parents can take me to sign up... please," she pleads.

"Uh...yeah sure I'll just ask my parents if they can drop us off at your house and then they'll take us," I say. Its a bit weird I just met her.

"Okay sound good, what time is it now?" She asks.

"2:54," I tell her.

We take Rudolf for a walk because it's only 3:00. We end up going to the pond again. Rudolf trys chasing a squirrel but he fails. Me and Maria just talked... well she basically did all the talking.

"How old are you?" She asks me.

"17," I tell her. "I'll be 18 in two months.

"Whens your birthday?"

"August 23rd, what about yours?"

"June 10th."

"Oh, happy late birthday!"

"Thanks," she laughs.

"Yeah happy late birthday!" An unknown person says to us. We both turn around and... it's Michael. Why, Why does it have to be me. He sits down next to me and of course I scoot over closer to Maria.

"What do you want!?" Maria says in an irritated tone.

"Nothin' really I just wanted to hang with y'all. "

"Well leave no one likes you."

"Oh yeah no one?"

"No one."

"You do."

"Why the Fuck would I like you you're a man who puts his hands on a female, you ain't even no man."

Awkward silence. Maria soon gets up and grabs my wrist and we call over Rudolf.

"Tumone widdle baby!" I say.

"Tumome widdle baby!" I hear a voice mock me. Yeah.. of course it's Michael. I grab Rudolf and we start walking home, it's 3:20 we have till 4:00 to get home.

"Where y'all goin'?" We hear Michael ask.

"None of your damn bisnuess... we're getting away from an abuser!" Maria snaps at him. He sits there in silence.

We get home and it's 3:50.

"Ya hungry?" I ask Maria.

"No." she says.

My parents come through the front door, and are loud like always.

"Hi mom and dad."

"Hi sweetie," they say back.

"This is Maria," I say. Maria jumps up and shakes their hands

"Hi, hi, Mr. And Mrs. Willerd!" She says. She's so hyper.

"Well hello sweetie," My mom says.

"Mom she wants to join us on our way to sign up for boxing she wants to join too, can she? Oh, and she wants us to take her to her house first so we can get the money from her parents,"  I say.

"Yeah, yeah sure, that's fine with me." My dad says. "Is that okay with you Sandra?" My dad asks my mom.

"Yeah, yeah that's fine let's get's cost $230 dollars so tell your parents 'kay?"

"Okay ma'am."

We arrive at her house. Its smaller than mine and it's in a different neighborhood than mine also, more of a, I'd say bad neighborhood...

She walks out the car, and comes back in with $230 dollars. 

We drive to this not so big building and it reads 'Jays Boxing'.  We go in and the man on the front desk greets us.

"Hello ma'am, how may I help you?" He says.

"Hello, and they wanna be signed up for boxing," Mom says.

"Oh, okay so how old are you guys?" The man says looking for something in his desk.

"we're 17," Maria say.

"Okay what are y'all names?" He says taking out a clipboard with a sign up sheet on it.

"My name is Makayla, Makayla Willerd." I tell him.

My name is Maria Johnson," Maria says, as she examins the place.

"Okay Maria and Makayla, you guys will be set up in the 17 and 18 year olds division okay?"

"Okay," Me and Maria both say.

"Follow me, I'll show you around," He says. "My name is Jay."

"Oh this is your place... like it says on the building as you walk in? " my dad asks.

"yes, yes sir it is," Jay says. Jay is about... well he looks like he's around 6ft tall he's maybe 5'8 or 5'9. He has brown skin and he's muscular he has some tattoos not to many. His hair is short and  curly, and he has hazel eyes.

"Excuse me, Jay?" I say.

"Yes?" He responds.

"When will we be able to start?"

"Oh tomorrow around 4:00pm okay?"

"Oh okay."
He shows us around, and we meet some new people. Jay tells us their names and takes us to the locker rooms. It's a nice place to be honest, doesn't have much money you can tell. But it's still nice.

"Okay bye Jay!" We say as we leave the place.


Welp this is the fastest I've ever update :) but thanks for 1k reads, y'all are more lit than my instagram followers.

Speaking of instagram y'all should follow mine @//moonwalker.l.o.v.e

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Thanks for reading! :)

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