chapter 11

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We went to the ice cream parlor and I sit outside with Rudolf this time, while Maria goes in there to get out ice cream.

"What kind do you want?" She asks me.

"Uhmm I'm in the mood for chocolate ice cream with crushed Brownies," I tell her. She walks in there and orders our ice cream. I just wait here while Rudolf rests on my lap.

"Hello?" I hear a familiar voice come up behind me. It's Cameron the Boyce's son.

"Hi Cameron!" I say.

"Hey, what're you doing?" He asks while bending down to pet Rudolf.

"Nothin', nothing at all."

"Why are you here?"

"I'm with my friend Maria she's  getting the ice cream."

"Oh okay, so you have a brother, huh?" He asks.

"Yep, his names Adam. Basic." I chuckle.

"It's not too basic, anyway too bad I won't be able to meet him."

"Oh yeah you're going to the championship huh?"

"Yeah, do you like basketball?"

"Yes! Who doesn't?" I say.

"You know more about basketball than most girls do?"

I look at my nails. "Guess I do, I like boxing too, me and Maria take classes together."

"Oh cool, that's how y'all met?"

"No," I can't tell him we met while I was being bullied and she stuck up for me. "We met at school."

"Oh okay well I gotta go, talk to you later?"

"Okay, and yeah sure, " I say, as Maria comes out with our ice cream. she hands me mine.

"Daaaaaamn that Cameron boy is fine as fuck... girl himme up with him!" She says.

"Girl, how do you know I don't want him?" I smirk.

"Oooooo Makakay got herself a lil crush!"

"Maybe..." I mumble.

"Wanna go swimming, at the local?" She asks.

"Eh- yeah sure." I say. We walk home to get our towels, bathing suits, and drop off Rudolf, also the sunscreen, even tho I don't really need it.


We arrive at the home and Maria takes off her backpack. Why did she bring a backpack to the park? Oh well.

"You got a swim suit?" I ask her.

"Yep, right here, " She says as she's taking out this 2 piece swim suit it's pink and has a winky face on the left boob cup.

"Ooo that's cute, here's mine," I say as I take out a baby blue swim suit from my dresser. Its baby blue with pink stripes and has the words sassy spread across the bottom part of the underwear.

"Sassy!" She says snapping her fingers in a z shape, causing me to chuckle a bit. She goes in the bathroom to change, as for I stay in my room. I put on my swim suit then my original clothes on over it. Maria does the same.

"Come on, girl!" She says. We grab the towels, sunscreen, and lotion because, we don't wanna be ashy when we get out.

After 20 long minutes of walking to the local pool we've finally arrived. Me and Maria find chairs and we put our stuff there, we take off our clothes, with our swim suits under. We both get in the pool...well Maria jumps in and I get in there from the steps.

There's already people here but, it's a big pool that goes down to 14 feet.

"Hey," A girl says. She's really pretty her hair is long and has loose curls. It's Latoya Michael's sister I met her today at church.

"Hey, Latoya?"

"Yep, and Oh my gosh your hair's sooooo pretty!" She giggles.

"Oh thank you, your's is too!" I tell her.

"And you're really pretty."

"Your brother thinks otherwise..." Maria mumbles as she swim over to us. I give her a 'shut-the-fuck-up' look.

"My brother what? He doesn't think you're pretty? Well, you are don't listen to him," She says. Thats litteraly like the nicest thing I've ever heard.

"Oh thank you, Latoya."

"It's no problem. You're welcome," She says. Soon Michael's brother Jermaine arrives. Man he's one good looking boy... what's up with Mr. And Mrs. Jackson having good looking kids.

"Hey, I met you today haven't I?" He asks me, and I nod. "Well nice to meet you again, and Latoya why in the hell are you screaming?" he laughs.

"'Cause Jermaine, Michael said she wasn't cute, when clearly this girl is gorgeous!" She says, Oh man. Well I'm flattered.

"That's because he's ignorant,  you're not ugly at all, a matter of fact your beyond gorgeous and I'm sorry for Mike's behavior," He Says.

"Oh, no problem, it's just his opinion and thank you," I blush.

"Oh, it's no problem you're welcome, gorgeous." I blush even harder, I'm probably as red as a tomato, thank God for my brown skin. "Michael get over here, now!" I didn't know he was here.

"What, Jermaine?" Michael says, swimming over to us.

"Umm, did you say this girl wasn't pretty?" Jermaine asks.

I hope they know this makes me feel awkward.

"I uh- mmm- uh- why do you care?" Michael asks.

"'Cause you must not have taste in girls, she's beyond pretty she's gorgeous!" Latoya exclaims.

"Thank you, Latoya," I say. Wow, Michael's gonna beat the crap outta be at school tomorrow.

This is so awkward, that it's not even funny.

"Yeah, Michael you're crazy, you're really crazy," Jermaine says as he twirls his finger around his ear. Man this is awkward. Michael sits there in silence for maybe 30 seconds then he speaks up.

"Um- I don't know why... it's my business though, not your's Jermaine!" Michael says.

"Well! I guess you just don't know true beauty!" Jermiane says. This is reeeeeaaallly awkward. Michael shrugs then swims away.

"Really don't listen to him, your far beyond ugly," Jermaine says making me blush, AGAIN.

"Thank you... again," I say. Maria is just sitting there in the steps next to me with her jaw wide open almost touching the floor. "Maria?"

"Huh? Oh. Wow, Makayla that was crazy they all just jumped Michael and you got one of his fine brothers callin' you gorgeous," She smirks.

"Oh whatever, wanna just enjoy the swim?"

"Yeah sure but we only have about and hour, it's already 5:30 we gotta be back at 7:00."

[A/N] This chapter was so weird while I was reading it. But oh whale *Emoji Rey always uses*

I'm working on 6 new stories. Yes, I know that's a lot.

Anywhoooo, thank y'all for reading, little chickadees :)

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Oh yah, ignore mistakes *says in one of those Viking accents*

Oh and please check out my new story Michael Petrovic :)

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