Chapter 20

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Well now that, that's over I have to get ready for boxing.

"You almost ready?" I text Maria.

"Yeah, I'll be at ur house in a few."

I put on my clothes I wear for boxing and I wait for Maria.

Maria and I arrive to our boxing class and we're soon greeted by two guys who also take classes here, Zak and Drew. Zak is light skinned and he's German. And has the most cutest German accent ever. And Drew is white with blond hair and these hazel-green eyes.

"Hey, Kayla and Mar!" Zak says in that cute accent of his.

"Hey," I say and give him a hug.

"Hey, guys...ready?" Maria asks.


"No!" Our trainer says.

"Makayla and Lil!" He yells and Lil and I both run up to him, "Makayla your Jabs are horrible. Keep it up and you'll be gone, this is how it should look." He explains by showing us what we are supposed to do. Lil and I both put on our gear then head to box.

After 2 hours of class we are done. Maria and I wait outside for my mom to pick us up.

"Come, on!" We hear my mom's honk. Maria and I run to the car and get in, "Maria you staying over?"

"If that's okay with you," She says and my mom nods in approval.

We finally arrive home after going to get Maria's things from her house.

"Adam!" I yell, "Come here!"

"What?" He snaps as he barges in my room.

"Were you in here? Because I see your shoes."

"Yeah, I was- there a problem?" He asks getting up in my face.

"Boy, bye," And at that he leaves the room probably going to watch more Empire.

"I seem your dildo anyway," he says as he leaves the room and shuts the door.

"I really dislike him sometimes," I fake pout.

"You act like having one sibling is bad," Maria laughs.

"It is!" I groan.

Maria gives me an 'are-you-serious' look, "I have 8 siblings and I live with 6 of them. And 7 of them are boys."

" do have it hard," I say, "Come on let's go to the park."

"Yeah, let me shower first and get out of my boxing clothes."


About 45 minutes later we head out to go to the park with Rudolf.

"Mr. Kay's?" Maria asks. Mr. Kay's is the new ice cream parlor and it's amazing.

"Yeah, sure."

We walk into Mr. Kay's and we're greeted by this girl who looks about 19 maybe, she has dark skin and a curly Afro that's wrapped in a hairnet.

"What would y'all like?" She politely asks.

"Umm...can I get the waffle cone- 2 scoops- and one scoop strawberry shortcake and the other cookies and cream?" I ask the girl, diamond, as her name tag reads.

"Here you go," She says with a big wide grin on her face.

"Thank you."

"And what would you like?" She asks Maria.

"Uh-mmm-uh, same as her."

Once she hands Maria her ice cream we leave  and untie Rudolf from the pole we tied him up outside on.

We finally arrived at the park and we sit at the bench we usually sit at.

"Hey," Someone says and Maria and I both turn around to see who it is. And of course its-

"Michael," Marie sighs.

"That's my name, don't wear it out," Michael says with a huge grin on his face.

"What. Do. You. Want?" I huff.

"To talk to you!" He says full of excitement, "And her too." He says with less hype.

"No," Maria and I both say.

"Too bad, girl!" He say as he jumps over the bench and sits right in between Maria and I.

"You gonna beat her again?" Maria asks.

"Really?" Michael asks with an irritated expression on his face, "God I said sorry. Can you please forgive me?"

I just look at him with a blank expression.

"RUDOLF!" I yell getting ready to take him home. I see him run towards me with his tongue handing to the left side of his mouth and his ears flapping all over the place.

"Makayla?" I hear Michael, "Makayla, don't go."

[A/N I'm updating a bit sooner now.

Would you guys like to know how many chapters are left?

Oh too bad you'll find out soon.

Ignore all mistakes because I know there's a lot in there, I'm rushing here.

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