Chapter 8

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Today is Saturday the day Maria and I take our real first boxing lesson. Maria stayed the night so we wouldn't have to pick her up for the lessons.  We have two free bedrooms, ones a guest room and ones my little brother's room. He's not dead or anything, but he was so bad my parents moved him to Alabama with my grandparents. He's 16 he'll be turning 17 in December. He's tall last time I seen him he was maybe 5'6. He visits us when he can, like on school breaks and all. He's doing better he's not so bad anymore. He's coming over in 2 weeks, he'll only stay here for 2 weeks also.

"Hey Maria," I say as I walk down the stairs to catch her walking out of her room.

"Hey," She says. "What time is it?"

I take out my phone and check the time. "Its 2:20."

"Okay thanks," she says. We get dressed just to take Rudolf out to the pond.

"Ready?" I ask Maria.

"Ready," She answers back.

"Come on Rudolf!" I say, baby-talking him. He's running to me with his big ears flopping everywhere and his tongue hanging out, to the side of his mouth. I clip on his leash and we head out.

"Wanna get some ice cream 'fore we go?" I ask Maria who's eyes are glued to her phone.

"Ooo yeah, I love me some ice cream!" She says excitedly.
I go in the ice cream parlor that says 'Rob's Ice Cream Parlor'. Maria stays outside with Rudolf because a sign on the door says no dogs allowed. I go in to order our ice cream.

"Hello miss, how may I help you?" The lady behind the desk says. She's young she's about 21 she had long straight hair and brown skin and her eyes are more hazel than brown.

"Hello, and can I get two vanilla ice creams in a cone, one with sprinkles one without, please." I tell her. Her name tag says Rachel.

"Yes, coming right up." She says I hand her the money and she gets our ice creams made. She comes back about 7 minutes later and hands me the ice creams.

"Here ya go." She says.

"Thank you, Rachel." I say as I grab the 2 cones and hurried outside. I see Maria there with her back against the wall and Rudolf laying beside her.

"Hey, he's your ice cream." I tell her.

"Thank you makayla, let's go." She says standing up and brushing herself off. I nod and stay eating my ice cream. We make it to the pond about 15 minutes later. Once we get there Rudolf bolts into the pond to fool off, it was hot outside. Maria sit on the bench.

"So, ya ready for 4:00?" I ask Maria.

"Hell yeah!" She says standing up. "I can't wait, I already know how to beat some ass but now I'd be a pro." She says laughing, and pouncing around at the same time and punching the air.

"Oh my gosh, you have me weak," I say laughing so hard ice cream almost shoots out my nose.
When Maria sits back down she tells me it's 3:40. So we get up and start to go.

We arrive at home and start packing our gym things we got basketball shorts, a tank to,  and some comfortable shoes. We also bring deodorant 'cause we don't wanna be stinking in there. My mom arrives home at around 3:50 and honks her horn so we can go. Me and Maria jump in her car.

"Y'all ready?" My mom asks.

"Yep, we gone kick some a--!" Maria says, but I cut her off before she cusses in front of my mom.

"Abbs! We gone get some people in their abbs!" I say looking back at Maria, she starts giggling.
We arrive at the place and we get out the cars with our gym bags mine is black and white that says 'addidas' on it and Maria's is white and pink that says 'addidas' on it.

"Hello sir, we signed up yesterday." My mom tells the man at the front desk.

"Ah, yes um is it Maria and Makayla?" He asks.

"Uhuh." My mom says.

"Follow me." He says, and we do as told. We go to this room, a big big room where there are people stretching and talking amongst themselves.

"Okay, so 'member when I told y'all that y'all were gonna get some new members? Well here they are, this is Maria and Makayala, make them feel as you would wanna be treated if you were new!" He says, then shows us the lockers.

"Hey, I'm Malia and this is Kate." Some girl says approaching us.

"Hello." Me and Maria say in unison. The girl Malia was Mexican her was was straight and long down to her butt, almost. She had brown eyes and a cute shape. The other girl,  Kate was white. Her eyes were ocean blue she had light brown hair that reached her shoulder blades.  We all stretch and talk, and get to know each other.

"So what school do y'all go to?" Maria asks.

"North Wide." Malia answers. "What about y'all?"

"South High." I say. We all get up because the coach told us so. He was tall and black or he was mixed and you could tell his hair was curly, he was buff.

"Okay class let's begin grab a partner!" Coach says. Of course I grab Maria.

After boxing Maria, Malia, Kate, and I all sit and talk. Waiting to be picked up. I'm so sore from all that work but I've learned a lot. My mom soon drives up and Maria and I get in the car.


Michael didn't appear at all in this chapter lol. But I'm so sorry for this boring chapter, they'll get more interesting, dude in promise.

Thanks for reading, chickadee :)


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