Back With Vampires

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When I wake up again, I'm strapped to a table in a plain, white room. There is no distinguishable door in among the white walls, but it became clear that there is a door when I turn and see Aro standing next to me. I glare at him, and he sighs.

"Well, young Bella, it seems we can't get through your shield," Aro says solemnly. "So, I guess we will have to punish you instead of dear Carlisle. You are, after all, the cause of the Cullens' fall."

What? How am I the cause...

Oh Hell no.

I am the cause! If I hadn't been so persistent in finding out what the Cullens were then none of this would have happened! Edward probably never would have told me, I wouldn't have fallen in love with him, I would never have had Ness and right now I'd be 39 with a human husband and human children. I'd probably be happy, not as happy as I was with the Cullens, but happy enough. And Edward would probably be alone, I am his mate after all, but at least he'd be safe, they would all be safe. Ness wouldn't exist, but without becoming so infatuated with each other, Edward and I would never know she was meant to, and we'd all be safe and happy. Not as happy, but happy enough.

Suddenly the ties that are binding me to the cold, hard table are being removed, and Aro is pulling me to my feet. Silently, he strides over to the opposite wall. The wall itself lifts as his long fingers brush against a keypad, revealing a window to another room.

The other room was dark until harsh, bright strip lights flicker on, and a horrific scene unfolds before my newly human eyes.

Both Emmett and Carlisle are chained to a wall, facing directly at me. But I can tell that what I am looking through is one way glass as their eyes slip blankly over where I am standing. Blood slips down Emmett's wrists as he hangs unconscious and the way Carlisle is having trouble not staring at the crimson liquid, and the cold blackness of his eyes, tells me Carlisle has not fed in a while. Following the newly discovered demise of his mate he probably didn't have the energy to.

Carlisle suddenly grabs on to the chains just above the metal loops binding his hands to the wall. He pulls at the chains with all the vampire strength he can muster, but the steel stays firmly in the wall.

"Why are you doing this?!" He screams. "It's neither of our fault we remember!"

Aro touches a button on the wall, and speaks into a small microphone, and I can tell this is the only way to contact Carlisle and Emmett. "Actually, it's young Bella's fault you remember. So now we will make you forget, and punish her instead."

"NO!" Carlisle yells at the walls. "NO! It's your fault I remember! Bella had no idea Emmett remembered until a few days ago! Leave Bella alone! None of this is her fault! LEAVE MY DAUGHTER ALONE!" His eyes have adopted a desperate, crazed look as he shouts to the walls. A small sob escapes me as he addresses me as as his daughter.

Aro looks down at the tears sliding down my face and sighs, "Carlisle, your daughter is here, if you would like to speak to her, and see her." He brushes his fingers against the keypad, and as Carlisle's eyes lock with mine I can tell the part of the window that was stopping Carlisle from seeing Aro and I was lifted. "I'll leave you two alone," Aro says, smiling creepily, before walking out the room.

"Bella..." Carlisle whispers, and fresh tears spring in my eyes.

I press the button next to the wall, but I can't bring myself to say anything except, "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault."

Carlisle looks at me with sympathy, and exasperation. "No, Bella, don't talk like that. This is not your fault."

"It is!" I cry, "This is all my fault! If I hadn't been so persistent in finding out what you guys were, then none of this would have happened!"

Carlisle smiles at me with fatherly love, "Bella, no offense, but I honestly don't care. Esme and I have always loved you like our own, in fact your are our daughter, and even when I forget, you will always be our daughter. You made Edward so happy, gave Rosalie what she's always wanted, gave Emmett and Jasper someone new to prank and prank with. Gave Alice someone new to shop with, a sister and a best friend. You are one of the best things that have ever happened to our family, and I can't thank you enough for that."

Tears fall quicker down my face. Even if he isn't biologically related to me, he is my father. My second, compassionate, loving father.

Emmett suddenly wakes up and begins tugging on the chains that bind him to the stone wall. When he sees Carlisle relief and panic breaks out across his face, relief because Carlisle isn't dead, panic because Carlisle is once again trying not to stare at the blood flowing down Emmett's arms.

"Bella!" Emmett yells.

"Emmett," I whisper as I press my hand up against the glass separating us.

Suddenly, Aro appears back in the room, and Carlisle and Emmett's eyes widen in obvious fear of what is about to happen.

"Time to begin forgetting," Aro says slyly, smirking. It takes all my will not to punch that stupid smirk off his face, although I'd probably just damage my broken hand further.

Smoke fills the room Emmett and Carlisle are trapped in, through the thick haze I barely just spot Emmett fall unconscious again. Hopefully this won't be painful for him. But nothing can stop me from hearing Carlisle's pained screams. They rip through my eardrums as the smoke clears and I have to watch the torture.

He continues screaming, louder and more pained until he is almost begging for Aro to stop whatever is happening to him. "STOP!" He screams. "STOP!"

Very abruptly, a new memory comes back to me. A burning, fiery pain. At first I think it's my transformation, but then I remember being chained to a wall, with fully grown Renesmee by my side.

They are making Carlisle human.

So this is my first punishment, watching Carlisle and Emmett, the last connections I have to my old life. Then I have to watch everyone with the knowledge that I am the only one who remembers.

This is so not fair.

I can also tell they are making Carlisle forget, as he looks up at me with a half-blank expression. Quickly, I smash my fist against the small button that allows me to talk to him and he looks up immediately. "Fight against it Carlisle!" I plead. "Don't forget! Remember us! Remember Esme! Please!"

At the mention of Esme's name a look of determination crosses Carlisle's face as he nods at me.

The torture goes on for hours. Carlisle continues screaming as more and more smoke fills the room. Emmett stays unconscious, and finally after three hours, Carlisle is knocked out too.

Aro smiles at me warmly, but it only disgusts me as he forces me back onto the table. He injects me with something and for once I willingly succumb to the darkness, hoping it will help heal the wounds today has opened.

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