Emmett And Carlisle

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I hate my life.

I hate the Volturi.

I really hate Emmett.

This time, Emmett is a true jackass. He keeps beating Edward up, and punched Jasper the other day. So, yeah.

I'm now sitting next to Rosalie in math, (thanks to Jasper complaining to the teacher about her) and she is probably the biggest snob I have ever met. Except, of course, vampire Rosalie.

The other day she asked me if I knew the answer to om a question on the board when I had finished the work. I showed her my work and she just ripped it out my book! So I had to re-do half an hour's worth of work in ten minutes. So she got an A on my work and I got an E on my second piece of work, which I never actually got to finish.

Jasper asked Alice out this morning, which made me realise that last time I was in this life today would have been the day Emmett and I found Carlisle.

Since I was sent back in time for the second time I haven't dared to go near the hospital, purely because seeing my immortal father mortal with no memory of me would just hurt too much.

I have been to the graveyard, however, and Esme's grave is no longer there. Which is seriously confusing.

I looked everywhere, I read every headstone and yet Esme is just not there.

Which is good, and bad.

Good because Esme is probably not dead!

Bad because I have no idea where she is.

One of the creepiest things about this curse is my family's eyes. I'm so used to them either being black or gold that I still can't get used to Jasper and Rosalie's eyes being blue, or Edward's being green. Emmett's eyes aren't so shocking as they are a dark brown, almost exactly the same shade as when he was thirsty but not so thirsty that his eyes were black. As it turns out Alice's eyes were black in her human life, so I never really noticed.

Right now I'm in DT, and I'm so caught up in my thoughts that I barely notice when I bring the hammer down on my fingers.

SERIOUSLY? I want to scream, as I know this will probably end up with a visit to Carlisle.

"Ow!" I shout, and hold up my fingers; I realise this is a mistake as Emmett steps forward to take me to the hospital.

Why oh why did he volunteer?

"What made you volunteer?" I ask warily as we walk to his car.

"Didn't," Emmett grunts, "I guess teach doesn't want me in class."

"Do you know where Esme is?" I inquire hopefully.

"Who the hell is Esme?" Emmett says, laughing as if I'm stupid.

A simple no would have sufficed.

When we get to the hospital Emmett and I are the only ones in the waiting room, which is confusing as we weren't last time this happened.

"I'm going to get a coffee," Emmett says after a minute or two, and disappears down the hall.

Sighing, I close my eyes tightly and try to ignore the tears I can feel coming to my eyes.

"How are you enjoying life so far, Bella?" A sickly sweet voice says next to me, making me jump.

"What do you think?" I reply icily.

"Bella, you should be grateful we didn't just decide to slaughter your army," Aro chides.

"Army?!" I splutter. "We were never planning to overthrow you! We were just a family!"

"Either way," Aro sighs. "Your 'family' was getting too big."

"How did you do this, anyway?" I ask, slightly afraid of the answer.

"It took a long time," Aro smiles, making me want to punch him. "We have four new guards, you see. Ariel who can send people back in time, Melody who can wipe anyone's memory, except yours of course, Daniel who can make any vampire human, and Tristen who can put fake memories in people's heads. We had to track down every vampire your coven has ever met and wipe their memories of you. Originally we put fake memories in their heads that Carlisle is alone, but this time we just got rid of the memories completely. The world famous vampire doctor never existed in this life, and neither did the Olympic Coven, or the Cullen family. It took a lot of work to send the entire population of the world back in time, I'll tell you that."

"I hate you," I mutter.

Aro laughs, a long sickly laugh. "What you think no longer matter to me, young Bella. I must go now; I hear your friend coming back down the hall."

And suddenly, as if that conversation never happened, Aro's gone.

"You seem kind of tense," Emmett observes as he sits in Aro's seat.

"I've never liked hospitals," l mumble, not having to lie, and when Emmett's not looking I take my phone out of my pocket and start recording. Making sure the lense has a full view of everything I see as I put my phone in my shirt pocket.

"Bella Swan to Exam Room Four," A familiar voice comes over the intercom, and I groan.

When we get there I knock on the door gently, and I almost burst into tears when Carlisle tells us to come in. After we step inside I almost walk back out when I see Carlisle's face. There is a telltale blush to his cheeks, and his eyes are a shocking electric blue.

"What happened here?" Carlisle asks with a kind smile.

"I punched a werewolf in the face," I smirk, and am surprised as Carlisle laughs.

"Nerd," Emmett mutters as I glare at him.

"Well let's get your hand x-rayed," Carlisle chuckles.

After my hand's x-rayed, Carlisle puts it in a cast and Emmett and I leave the hospital.

But just as we're leaving the hospital I spot someone very familiar leaving ahead of us. As I watch the woman stops at the top of the front hospital steps, tightening her grip on the pram she's pushing.

"Need any help?" I ask, tears in my eyes as Esme's warm chocolate eyes look up to mine.

"If you wouldn't mind," Esme sighs, smiling at me.

"Girl or boy?" I smile back, cooeing slightly to the baby in the pram.

"Boy," Esme smiles a smile I've seen many times before. The smile she uses whenever we would address her as our mother, full of benevolence and motherly devotion. "He's only a few weeks old, but he's been ill. The doctors say that he should get better with time. But he seems to be getting worse. Sorry, maybe I'm just being paranoid, its hard being on my own."

"You're on your own?" I ask.

"I'm afraid so," Esme sighs as we carry the pram down the steps. "My husband left before I knew I was pregnant. I'm Esme, by the way," She adds.

"Bella,' I grin, jubilant at the fact Esme isn't dead. "If you ever need a break from childcare then don't hesitate to call me. My dad's the police chief," I offer.

"Thank you, Bella," Esme says, and sticks her hand out for me to shake.

I lift my hand and grin, pointing out the cast.

"It was nice meeting you, Esme," I sigh, as it was nice meeting her twenty years ago.

"Bella, come on!" Emmett calls from his car.

I grin as I walk over to Emmett; my life is back on track.

Kind of.

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