Esme's Demise

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"How did it happen?" Emmett asks quietly after a long silence.

Carlisle shrugs, his marble chest vibrating with uncontrollable sobs, "According to her files she had a baby that died, then jumped off a cliff in La Push."

Emmett and I both gasp; that was Esme's human story, but without Carlisle there to save her she died, like she had been so intent on doing.

"I'm so sorry," I sob.

Carlisle just sighs, and glances at his watch. "We should get back to the house, Bella needs her hand fixing up."

Because we don't have a car with us, we all have to make the long walk to the Cullen house. Which is just outside of town and then up a three mile dirt road.

Just when we step through the trees to the dirt road, Emmett begins groaning. "Ugh, why did we build the house so far away!"

Carlisle chuckles, "Its not that far."

"It is for a human," I moan, making Carlisle laugh again.

Once we finally get to the house Emmett and I stop in our tracks. It is exactly as it was before, and I mean exactly. Through the window you can see Edward's piano, Alice's many computers she uses for fashion designing, and half the windowsill covered in my classic books. When we go into the house we immediately spot Esme's gardening and architecture books.

"Why is everything still here?" Emmett wonders. "Surely everything should have disappeared when we started this life."

Carlisle shakes his head sadly, "The Volturi spoke to me after you all disappeared. They think I was trying to overthrow them by creating such a large coven, so as punishment they took my family away but left me everything. Your belongings, my memories. Their plan was to torture me with the knowledge that you were still out there but you didn't remember me. I didn't believe them at first, so I was desperately trying to find any of you, but mostly Esme. I found Edward on the street, and asked him if he knew where anyone was."

"What did he say?" I ask quietly; I haven't had a chance to talk to Edward yet.

Carlisle sighs, looking almost depressed, "He said, 'Doctor Cullen, are you okay? And I don't know an Esme, or a Bella.'"

I whimper slightly. Edward , the love of my life, my Edward, doesn't know me. But at least I have Carlisle and Emmett to help me get through.

Speaking of Emmett and Edward...

"Emmett?" I say sweetly, and he looks up at me with a calculating expression.

"Yes Bella?" Emmett asks warily.

"If you remembered why do keep punching Edward?" I ask, fuming. Carlisle raises his eyebrows.

At least Emmett has the decency to look sheepish. "It's payback for all the times I lost to him because of mind reading."

Carlisle chuckles and says, "So how are the others?"

"Rosalie is a complete snob," I answer.

"Hey!" Emmett glares at me, but then he turns to Carlisle, "But yeah, she is."

"Jasper's my best friend at the moment," I sigh, then smile at the memory of this morning. "But he asked Alice out this morning, and she said yes. So at least they're happy."

Emmett and Carlisle both smile at the news. "Renesmee has taken the name of Vanessa Wolfe," Emmett informs Carlisle, and I immediately leave to explore the house. I can't stand the fact my daughter doesn't know me. It's too painful.

Without thinking about it I find myself in the room Edward and I used to share. My hands brush against the huge sterio, and as I press play my lullaby comes out. Before I can stop them, the tears start again, and I sit down and bury my face in my knees. With all the strength I have I scream into my legs, and the next thing I know Carlisle is next to me, rubbing soothing circles on my back.

Thirty seconds later Emmett appears, "Damn," He moans, "I miss vampire speed."

I just keep screaming and crying though, because I just can't take this.Esme is dead, and only Carlisle and Emmett know me. Its just not fair. Just after my life got to the point of perfection, it was taken away.

While I'm crying I only just notice Carlisle gently taking my broken hand and bandaging my fingers so they will heal right. This reminds me of something... Or someone.

"Do-do y-you r-r-remember, w-when you had t-to b-break all of J-Jake's bones?" I sniff, but the memory of what I told Jacob afterwards only brings on fresh tears. The memory of Edward staying with me all night while I cried over his arch enemy was one of the many reasons I still love him.

I just want my life back.

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