Best Friends

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The next morning I woke with that light-headed, warm fuzzy feeling that comes with little sleep. Esme's death still heavy in my mind, I roll over on my bed and groan into the pillows, letting a few weak tears escape. None of this is fair.

I know I've been repeating that a lot, but I'm not sure you could blame me for it. My life just isn't fair, but sadly there is nothing I can do about it.

Sighing, I throw myself from under the covers only to be greeted with one of the coldest mornings I have ever felt in my life. Well, that's probably not true, I must have been faced with cold colder than this in my twenty vampire years but I just couldn't feel it...

Maybe the weather is connected to my emotions. Today I just feel cold after Esme's death, but yesterday I felt slightly elated by the fact my family were, in a way, together again, filling me with warmth. I guess the evident sadness and feeling of loneliness has infiltrated more than just my being, but the weather too.

At school I barely pay attention to the lessons, and at lunch no one at our table speaks to each other. Every now and then Ness lets a tear escape, which Edward always wipes away. The same thing with Alice and Jasper, and then finally Emmett and Rosalie when they ask to sit with us.

"Hi," Rosalie says, walking over to our table with Emmett behind her, untouched food trays in their hands. Ah, just like old times.

"Of course," I smile. "But I thought it was uncool for the popular kids to sit next to the geeks."

Emmett smiles. "It is. But after... Yesterday, I guess we consider you guys as friends." He turns to gaze lovingly at Rosalie. "And maybe even more."

They sit, and suddenly I am sat inbetween Jasper and Edward as they console Ness and Alice, and Rosalie and Emmett are kissing furiously across from me.

Great... Well at least they're happy. At least every one of my family are happy to an extent where they still have a will to live, unlike me

And maybe Carlisle.

As I sit amidst all the couples, only two of them in the romantic sense, I wonder if this is how Edward felt before I came along. Stuck, alone, with only the voices that invade his head to keep him company as none of us rarely speak aloud to him, even me, although I only let him hear what I wanted him to hear.

When we were on the run from James Alice and Jasper told me about how Edward used to be an angry, brooding vampire. But then I came along, and he changed immensely. Right now I just hope that Edward and I can be together, and he will give me the reason to live as I so desperately need.

Unfortunately there is nothing I can do for Carlisle, except maybe try and break the curse, but until then I'm afraid he'll be alone, and who knows what he'll do. I don't think I'll survive if I lose both my immortal parents.


Emmett and Rosalie continued to sit with us, and I still find it amazing how quickly the 'populars' shunned them. But, bless them, they didn't seem to care. They both still sit with us every day, and my entire family are slowly becoming my best friends.

When I go home I find Charlie waiting for me. He stops me before I can slip upstairs. "I think you should call your mother," Charlie says sternly. "You haven't spoken to her since you moved here and she's getting worried."

Oh crap, I completely forgot about Renee! Without another word I run upstairs and check my email.

69 new messages.

Oh no... I quickly reply to all of them, all 69 of them. Then give her a call.

"Bella!" She answers immediately. "I was so worried! Why didn't you reply to me?!

"I'm sorry, but I've made a lot of new friends and I've had a lot of homework. Besides, its only been just about... A month."

Actually that sounds terrible. I haven't spoken to my mother for a month! Oops.

Well, I guess I got a bit distracted with the whole, time-travelling, memory-loss thing.

After talking to my child-like mother for a very long time (and I mean a very, very long time), I finally do my homework and lie down to go to sleep, dreams of Edward and Ness and my family invading my mind.


The next day ice covers the ground, and I remember what happened last time this happened the first time I met the Cullens.

But this time Edward can't save me, but surely the Volturi won't let me die? Maybe, though. I mean, they were evil enough to do this to me, weren't they?

Well, either way, I guess its time to face the music.

Or, of course, time to face Tyler Crowley's van.

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