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"Hey dad!" I smile, walking into his office after school. I'm still on some sort of high from talking with Edward. Life just keeps getting better. Or as good as it can be with a life like mine. "Dad, what's wrong?" I ask, as Charlie is still sitting at his desk with his head in his hands.

"Bella, come here," He says, sitting up and holding his arms out. There are tears in his eyes and that only troubles me further. I lean into my father's embrace easily, sighing at the comfort it brings. "On Sunday..." Charlie begins. "I have to go to a funeral. I'd like you to come."

"Who's funeral?" I ask curiously.

"A woman named Esme Platt," Charlie says solemnly.


No no no.

Before, the baby died at one day old! One day! I thought the baby would be alright...


He gave me this hope. This false sense that I would actually get a nice life in this Hell.

Why? Why couldn't I have stayed with the life I had?! It wasn't perfect. Sometimes Edward and I faught. Sometimes Ness and I faught. My siblings frustrated me to no end. I still hadn't really come to terms with the fact my baby was married and sometimes I felt like Carlisle and Esme were smothering me with their parental attitude.

It wasn't perfect, but it was enough.

"Oh..." I say sadly. "I met her at the hospital when I broke my hand. She seemed nice."

"She was," Charlie agrees. "It's so sad that she died."

"How did she die?" I inquire.

"Her child died of a chest infection. Then she jumped off the cliffs in La Push," Charlie sighs, putting his head in his hands.

"Oh," I mumble.

"I do feel sorry for Doctor Cullen though," Charlie continues. Rubbing my back slightly with one hand.

"Why?" I ask, my voice going slightly higher.

"They took her to the mourge, but Doctor Cullen convinced everyone she was still alive. They put her up to some of the machines and somehow her heart was still beating. Apparently Doctor Cullen spent his entire day shift, and then a night shift he wasn't signed up for looking after her. She went through six surgeries under his care, he stayed with her between surgeries, he monitored her all night. And yet she died this morning. He did everything he could to save her but..." He groans, and puts his head into his hands again.

"Dad... Do you mind if I go see Doctor Cullen?" I ask, knowing that even he doesn't remember, and he doesn't know why he is grieving the loss of a patient so much, Carlisle will probably need some support during the death of his mate. "He seems like a good man," I add.

"Of course you can, Bell," Charlie smiles at me. "I'm sure he needs the support right now. He's taking the death hard."

"Thanks dad. I'll go now and meet you at the diner?" I ask, and Charlie nods as I make my way back to my truck.

Instead I decide to walk to the hospital. I take the video camera out my bag and begin recording as I walk down the street. "So..." I speak to the camera, but I don't film my face. "I'm on my way to see Doctor Carlisle Cullen, apparently he's taking the death of a Miss Esme Platt pretty hard. I wonder why," I add sarcastically, and I know that if the Cullens, with their memories, ever watch this they will be surprised by my attitude. "I'm sorry," I say, "But I'm already sick of this life. I've been sent back in time twice, met you lot thrice, spoken to Aro, and I've had to face Esme's death! Twice!"

I can't stop the small sob that escapes me, and I know the camera must have picked it up so I turn the camera to film the tears sliding down my face. "If you're watching this..." I say slowly, looking away from the lense before speaking again. "Then I want you to know that I love you guys, if I'm not with you if you ever get your memories back."

I wipe a small tear away and laugh dryly before continuing. "Its weird," I almost sob. "How... Everything I touch breaks. I believe Jessica Stanley said that when you guys left after my birthday. She was saying how, she 'knew I wasn't good enough for the Cullens' and 'I drive people away'. I guess the last one was perfectly valid at the time..."

I rub the back of my sleeve against my face in an attempt to dry it. "Maybe... Maybe it would be best if I took a leaf from Esme's book. Maybe it would be best if I just jumped off a cliff."

I snap the camera shut and stop the recording. The tears keep coming as I keep walking and I realise just how much this life is crushing me.

"How are you?" A sweet voice asks next to me, and I start the recording again, filming my feet.

"I'm doing great, Aro!" I laugh hysterically. "Can't you tell?"

Aro smiles and laughs too. "I see you are not taking the death of young Esme so well."

"How dare you even say her name," I spit, glaring at him. 

"Oh, I dare, and I dare to kill everyone else you love if you annoy me enough," He snarls, and grabs my chin so I have to look at him. Quickly, I turn the camera up to film what's going on. "I also dare to hurt young Edward if you anger me." 

I glare at him. 

And then I spit in his face. 

"You know what, I don't think you will hurt them. Because you know that if they were dead, if Edward and Ness were dead, then there would be nothing keeping me here, and I can leave to do whatever I want, and finally die alone like I feel like doing right now," I almost growl. 

He lets go of my face. "You'll regret that, Isabella." 

I smirk, "That's Miss Swan to you. Or even Mrs Cullen, take your pick." 

Aro growls at me, and I openly film his face. "Go ahead," I laugh. "Kill me, hurt me. Then don't be surprised if the Cullens and everyone they've ever known come to avenge me. I'm sure there's a way out of this curse, and my family will find it with or without me. Most likely without me, as Rosalie always said, 'I always slow them down.'" 

Aro's stares at me, then looks down. "Goodbye Bella," He says, and suddenly he's gone. 

Without turning the camera off, I sit down on the garden wall next to me. Silently, I let the tears spill down my face, splashing onto the pavement below. "Oh God," I murmur, letting the fear I secretly felt a few minutes ago consume me. "Oh God. Oh God." 

After a few minutes of hyperventilating, and silently thanking a God I never really believed in for the fact that, apart form me, this street is completely deserted, I stand. "Right," I say, as strongly as I can, "To Carlisle." 

Then I snap the camera shut. 

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