I stare into Edward's eyes.
He loves me.
He loves me...
He slowly cocks his head to the side, and his eyes widen. His lips move towards mine and I feel Carlisle stand up behind me as our kiss deepens. Now we're the last ones in the waiting room.
Edward pulls away again, and stares deeply into my eyes with a strange sort of wonder. "Bella..." He breaths again. "Bella."
"Yes?" I ask, confused.
"You... You... We're..."
"Edward, are you okay?" I run my hand against his cheek. He catches it and holds it to his face, nuzzling into it.
"My beautiful Bella," He whispers, closing his eyes. "My la tua cantante."
My mouth drops open, then tears fill my eyes. Partly of joy, and partly of sadness. If he remembers...
I will have to go through all of it again.
Tears fill my eyes and Edward brushes them away. "Don't cry, Bells. Please don't cry."
Carlisle walks back in then, and hope fills me.
Maybe I broke the curse.
"Its okay, Bella," Carlisle says, smiling. "Alice and Rosalie will be up and about in no time."
Or maybe not.
At least Edward remembers.
For now.
Carlisle gathers some papers from the front desk before walking out again. "He doesn't remember, does he?" I ask.
Edward chuckles. "I'm human. I can't read his mind love."
"Oh," I smile slightly. "I need to ask you a question."
"Yes?" Edward raises his eyebrows.
"Do you remember..." I begin, sighing. "Do you remember a vampire Carlisle coming up to you in the street, and asking about me and Esme?"
Edward's brow furrows, then his eyes widen. "Yes. Then I woke up on the day you and Jasper came to school again a few weeks later."
More tears choke me. "Well, the Volturi thought they'd wiped my memory, but they couldn't because of my sheild. I had my shield over Emmett at the time, to stop you telling Ness if he would cheat at freeze tag, and they left Carlisle a vampire with memories and all our stuff as punishment for conspiring against the Volturi."
"WHAT?!" Edward yells. "Why did he do that?"
"Aro thinks that we were planning to overthrow him," I murmur.
Edward sighs, and pinches the bridge of his nose. "What happened when the Volturi found out you remembered?"
More tears spill down my cheeks. "They, they kidnapped us, and made Carlisle human, and wiped his and Emmett's memories. And left me with my memories as punishment. I think, I think, the Volturi can control everything, because when Aro saved me from the van he talked about how Marcus organised it..." I trail off, seeing Edward's murderous expression.
"Aro saved you from the van?! And Marcus organised it?!" He splutters.
"Please calm down," I sob. "I don't know how much time I have with you."
His face softens. "Bella," He says, placing both hands on either side of my head. "If the Volturi can really control everything, then they may make me hate you when they wipe my memory. But, I want you to know, that under it all I still love you. I still have every memory and I could never forget you. I have every faith in you that you will break this curse."

Forgotten Forever? (Twilight Fan Fic)
FanfictionThe Cullens are just having a normal peaceful day with Jacob, Nessie and the rest of the family when someone from the Vultori shows up. Smoke fills the room and when the smoke clears Bella finds herself human in her bedroom at Charlie's. By the soun...