8. Back to Work

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"Is she ok?" I hear faint whispering overhead.

"Yeah, she'll be fine." The second voice responds, this one considerably gruffer than the first. Probably Carter.

"Are you sure?" The first voice asks again, sounding concerned but also amused.

"She normally sleeps like that." There's a chuckle from Carter.

"But with broken ribs?" The first voice, I think it's Charles, asks in amazement.

"I give her a tonic for pain before she goes to sleep, so I doubt she really feels it. She is stiff for about an hour or two after she wakes up though." I hear shuffling, footsteps, moving away from me. I groggily stir and let my head roll to the side before unfurling from being curled up like a human ball. I sleepily yawn and allow my eyes to flutter open.

"Is breakfast ready?"


"Aww!" A feminine voice coos softly. I have to keep myself from jolting awake due to the soft, but startling voice hovering over me. I highly doubt the voice belongs to Romanoff.

"Shh! You're gonna wake her!" A grumbly voice shushes. 

Is that Tony?

"Would you two just shut up and take the picture?" Sokovian accent, masculine--Pietro. 

What is he up to now?

"I'm trying!" 

Tony. Totally sure now.

"Well try faster, she's stirring!" That feminine voice again. Probably Wanda. I groggily mutter curses at the people who woke me and proceed to screw my eyes shut while curling up to the source of heat that I'm up against.

Wait a heckin' second.

I crack open one eye, followed by the other, surprised by what I find. "I was going to make breakfast, but I didn't want to move." Pietro is looking down at me. Pietro Maximoff. Is looking down. At me. Pietro Maximoff.

"And by make breakfast you mean burn down the facility in an attempt to make food that we both know you have no idea how to make and cause a panic?" I ask, still staring up at him. His lips twitch before finally turning into a smile.

"Yeah, something like that." I lift my head, surprised to find out that Pietro Maximoff has just agreed with me. Pietro Maximoff. Agreed with me. Dang Winchesters at it again with the Apocalypse.

"Am I dead?" Then I turn my head, surprised to find that I had at some point fallen asleep while watching The Return of the King. My legs are stretched out across the couch and I'm curled up to Pietro's side. Oh, and to make things worse, Tony and Wanda now have pictures of it. They're laughing while scrolling through what I'm sure are tons of photos on their phones. "It would probably be better if I were dead." I grumble before giving into the yawn that had been forming for the past few seconds. I begin to pull away from Pietro, who is laughing like an idiot, when I stop suddenly, my face twisting in pain.

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