41. Phone Calls

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After stepping away from the group, I draw my phone out of my pocket and silently praise myself for purchasing a waterproof case. Probably one of my only good decisions. My first instinct is to call Pietro and tell him I'm not dead yet, but considering our situation I decide to call Clint first. Thankfully he's already in my contacts, having programmed himself into my phone when I first got back to New York. I guess he sees the twins and I as his own kids and felt like it'd be a good idea for the three of us to have his number on speed dial just in case.

I scroll through contacts until I reach the name 'Caw Caw' and select it. I then dial the number before lifting my phone to my ear. I easily rest one hand on my hip as I stare blankly at the concrete floor below my feet. I'm exhausted from the past few days and I can feel my muscles beginning to scream every time I move. I know it's not healthy, I really should get some sleep, but it just doesn't look like I'd be able to any time right now. The ringing on my end of the phone halts, there's a brief pause, followed by an anxious 'hello?'

"Hey, Clint." I chuckle breathlessly.

"Sparky?" He questions and I can hear a chair scraping across the floor on his end. "You know Pietro's called me like fifteen times asking about you. Are you alright? Have you called him yet? Told him you're not dead like he so dearly believes?" He asks and I can hear him walking through his house over the line.

"Hey, yeah, uh no. I haven't talked to him yet. But I will. I just uh, I gotta ask a favor..." I trail off and wince as there's a silence.

"And what's that?" Clint asks slowly.

"Uh, you been watching the news recently?" I question.

"You and Cap are in some deep waters right now, aren't you?" He voices.

"...yeah." I say quietly and shift my weight.

"What do you need me to do?" He asks with determination in his voice.

"Uh, you're gonna need to get Wanda and Pietro from HQ and then meet us...somewhere. I'll text you the details once Cap has a plan..." I fill him in.

"You guys don't even have a plan yet?" Clint asks in exasperation.

"Yeah yeah, see this is what happens when you leave." I laugh and hear him chuckle along with me. "Will you help us?"

"Alright. Text me the details when you can. Be careful in the meantime, Sparky." He says in a commanding, fatherly tone.

"You too, dad." I reply sarcastically before grinning to myself. I remove the phone from my ear and then hang up. I smile at the screen of my phone for a moment, glad to know Clint's alright and willing to help us. I guess that's what friends are for though.

I go back through my contacts and skim through them until I come upon the contact 'Sonic the Hedgehog' and pause. My thumb hovers over the name, but never makes contact as I hear Sam calling my name. I turn with my phone still in hand and lift a brow at him. "You guys come up with a plan yet?" I question.

"Yeah." Sam asks as he approaches me. "Who'd you call?"

"Clint. He said he's with us." I smile down at the screen of my phone briefly before looking back at Wilson. "You want to update him on the plan then?" I ask and lift a brow. Sam nods his head.

"Mind if I just use your phone? Mine got taken." I nod in understanding and hand him over the device, watching as he scrolls through the contacts. I watch as he lifts a brow before he looks up at me. "'Caw Caw,' really?" He asks. I shrug with a chuckle.

"Clint's idea, not mine." I move past him, gently patting his shoulder. "Let me know when you're done." I see him nod before brushing past him. My feet take me to the wing Bucky and Steve are in and I pause in the doorway. I guess I can give them the good news while Sam talks to Clint. Barnes is still looking at his hands and Steve is watching him with sad eyes. He looks like a longing Golden Retriever. "So, where we headed off to then?" I clasp my hands behind my back as I enter the room. Both sets of eyes turn towards me.

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