12. Nightmares

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The back of my head sharply slams against the hovering concrete slab that is my bed. The pain only continued to increase in intensity. With no relief in sight, I lift my head and then sharply bring it back down harshly against the slab. A ringing began deep in my eardrums and drowned out the chilling screams I created. When the pain only continues, I lift my head once again and bring it back down harsher than the previous time. I don't know if this will accomplish anything, but it seemed to be the only option I could come up with. Another cry escaped me as the suffering intensified. My hands close to fists as my nails digging into the skin of my palms. Resting the back of my head against the slab, I screwed my eyes shut. I could feel my lips pulled back to reveal clenched teeth.

I let out another unholy scream, only something is different now. Waves roll off of me. Golden waves, almost transparent. They're mimicking the throbbing I'm feeling across my body. A loud whimper escapes me as I turn to my side and screw my eyes shut, grabbing at my arms, digging my nails into my skin, trying to think about something other than the searing pain. I feel like I'm on fire. Literally. Am I on fire? No...I couldn't be. A soft sigh escapes me as the pain momentarily recedes before returning, this time with a vicious bite.

One last wail and I hear a ripping noise followed by a clanging one as a rumble shakes the area around me. Dust falls from the ceiling onto my face, but I can't find the motivation to open my eyes and see what I've done now. But when I begin to hear heavy boots stomping in my direction, I crack open a single eyelid. Somehow I've managed to break the barred metal door from my cell.

"No...no, please, no." I whisper to myself and try to control the odd sensation spreading across my body. In peeks a guard, his gun drawn, and then the General. "No, please, I can't control it..." I hoarsely whisper at the man who's looking across at me with shock and awe.

"It worked. The first success..." He mutters to himself with amazement in his eyes before he turns sharply to the guard. "Put her down. We have the formula, now all we need are strong soldiers." He casts me a diminishing glare as he states the command to the guard, who readies his weapon, finger hovering over the trigger.

"NO!" I find myself shouting, my lungs burning as I return to the living world. My forehead is covered in a thin layer of sweat and my blankets are strewn across my bed, halfway on the floor. I find my darkened room is not all that dark. Rather, it's like Russia all over again. Golden waves are rolling off of me, illuminating the room with mesmerizing flickerings, like waves crashing against a shore in a peaceful rhythm.

"Iris?" My eyes dart to my door where Wanda pokes her head into my room. A look of worry crosses her face as she pushes the door open while entering. My lungs suddenly contract viciously and I'm forced into a fit of coughing. I see a larger figure slide across the floor behind Wanda before poking their head in also.

"Hey...sorry." I murmur while swinging my legs over the side of my bed. I hunch over and rub my eyes tiredly. This nightmare was nothing like the one last night...it's so much more real, so much more painful.

"What happened, you alright?" Steve gently rests his hand on Wanda's back to let her know he's there now too. I glance up at them and see their eyes fixated on the pulsing waves of nervous energy.

"Just some nightmares...." I say a little louder now that I'm beginning to feel more awake. "It's nothing, really." I feel bad for waking the two, as their rooms are the ones closest to mine.

"It doesn't look like nothing." Steve is giving me an unbelieving look. I release a long sigh as Wanda enters my room and sits in the space next to me. She gently rests a hand on my shoulder comfortingly.

"It's...I guess our training session yesterday triggered a flood of memories breaking past the dam meant to hold them back. I thought I was finally over them, finally forgetting...but those memories they're still there. They're just hiding in the dark recesses of my mind waiting to come back and haunt me." I rub my hands together as I work on bringing my abilities back to my control.

"I get them too. I still have nightmares about the war, about what we had to do to survive." Steve pipes up quietly from where he leans against my doorframe. I look up at him, only to find darkness. I hum and turn on the lamp sitting on my nightstand.

"You do? Even after all this time?" I watch Steve closely, analyzing him.

"Yeah...they don't ever go away, Iris. They're with you for life. But you know the thing about them?" I lift a brow at him questioningly, encouraging him to continue. "They'll either cripple you, or they'll make you stronger. Only you can decide how they affect you."

"Just know you aren't alone. We all have them, each one of us. Those nightmares might be different for each of us, but we're all plagued. I still dream about my parents, about the Sokovia bombs." Wanda murmurs from next to me. I reach up and place my hand over hers.

"Thanks, guys." I offer them both tired smiles. "I just don't think I'll be getting any more sleep tonight." I laugh breathlessly. Wanda nods before standing back up.

"No offense, Iris, but I can." We both share a small chuckle. "I'll see you in the morning."

"Alright. Goodnight, Wanda."

"Goodnight, Iris."

"What about you, Steve?" I ask once I hear the door to Wanda's room click shut.

"I don't think I'll be going back to bed either." He tells me.

"You have a nightmare also?" I blink away the remnants of sleep before I get to my feet. I grab my sheets and throw them back onto my bed in a heap.

"Yeah..." The two of us stand in a silence only broken by our soft breathing.

"I think I'll go visit Tony in the lab. Wanna come?" Steve nods and turns on his heels. I shut the door to my room behind me before combing my hair with my fingers. I don't bother to fix my black tanktop, which hangs off my shoulder. I glance sidelong at Steve, who wears a plain white shirt and a pair of sweatpants like myself. I half smile to myself.

We descend the flight of stairs to the ground level before quietly padding down the hall to Tony's lab, where a light illuminates the hall. Steve enters first, followed by me. We see Tony huddled up by his workbench, still tinkering with his watch device. As he senses us there, he spins around on his stool to face us. Tony looks like he's been awake for awhile, but not in a bad way. "Wow, Sparky, you look terrible."

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